16. |
wATER Project 2 |
Meeting Date: |
April 16, 2012 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David J. Stoldt, |
Program/ |
N/A |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: |
N/A |
Prepared By: |
Henrietta Stern, Project Manager |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Review:
Reviewed April 5, 2012 |
Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: Addendum
to Final EIR |
SUMMARY: The Board will consider Resolution No. 2012-04
(Exhibit 16-A), which would encompass several needed actions to
enable full implementation of “Water Project 2” (also known as Phase 2 Aquifer
Storage and Recovery [ASR]). Water
Project 2 is a continuation of cooperative efforts by the Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District (MPWMD or District) and California American Water
(CAW) to divert excess river flow from the Carmel River in the wet season, as
permitted, for injection into the Seaside Groundwater Basin (SGB) via special
wells for later extraction in the dry season.
Use of the SGB water source in the dry season helps reduce adverse
impacts of pumping from the Carmel River environment when it is most
The Resolution includes a series
of 32 Findings that lead to seven resolution statements that:
continued compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);
Adopt an April
2012 Addendum (Exhibit 16-B) to
the Phase 1 ASR Project Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental
Assessment (EIR/EA), certified by MPWMD on August 21, 2006;
Adopt an April
2012 Mitigation Monitoring Plan for
Water Project 2 (Exhibit 16-C) as
required by CEQA; and
Approve full
implementation of Water Project 2 (the proposed project), including authorizing
necessary follow-up actions such as filing of a Notice of Determination.
As described in Finding #30 of the Resolution, the District Board must consider the Addendum (Exhibit 16-B), along with the Phase 1 EIR/EA, prior to making a decision on the proposed project. However, the Addendum is not required to be circulated for standard EIR public review in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164.
The Board should review the Draft Phase 1 EIR/EA on the District website at:
The Board should review
the Final Phase 1 EIR/EA on the District website at:
The printed Draft and Final EIR/EA are available at the District office for review. Hard copies or CDs may be requested for the price of reproduction.
The Board must also adopt an updated Mitigation Monitoring Plan (MMP), provided as Exhibit 16-C, which draws heavily from the 2006 ASR EIR/EA MMP, with site specific refinements tailored to Water Project 2. It is noted that the original MMP is Chapter 4 of the Final Phase 1 EIR/EA referenced above.
RECOMMENDATION: District staff recommends that
the Board adopt Resolution 2012-XX as provided as Exhibit 16-A, including the
April 2012 Addendum (Exhibit 16-B) and MMP (Exhibit 16-C). The Resolution is effective immediately. The Board should direct staff to prepare a
Notice of Determination for filing with the County Clerk and move forward on
preparation of a contractor bid package for Water Project 2 well construction
and related actions. The goal is to
begin construction in early June, when the school year ends at Seaside Middle
School. Time is of the essence as there
is a narrow window of time for well and facility construction before school
starts again in August 2012. Approval of
construction bids would be a separate board action, likely in May or early June
It is noted
that CAW engineering staff (John Kilpatrick) and others worked closely with
District staff in the review of the Addendum and MMP. District staff’s
understanding is that CAW concurs with these documents, but formal
communication was not received at the printing date. It is possible that revised versions of
Exhibits 16-B and 16-C will be provided at the April 16, 2012 meeting if CAW
has substantive edits.
BACKGROUND: Detailed background information is provided in the Resolution and Addendum, which includes an Initial Study Checklist (see Attachment 1 to Exhibit 16-B). In brief, Water Project 2 (proposed project) includes the conversion of a full-scale test well to a permanent, operational well (the 3rd ASR Well, or ASR-3), plus construction, testing and operation of a new ASR well (the 4th ASR Well, or ASR-4), a new backflush percolation basin, new appurtenant pipelines and valves, and a new small building to house the well control equipment (replacing the current fenced area enclosing electrical equipment on the site) at the Seaside Middle School site. Exhibit 16-D provides a schematic of the Water Project 2 location. Exhibit 16-E provides a plan view of the Water Project 2 facilities at the Seaside Middle school site (formerly named Fitch Middle School).
Water Project 2 is
facilitated by Amended Permit #20808C, authorized by the State Water Resources
Control Board (SWRCB) on November 30, 2011, which allows MPWMD and CAW to
divert an additional maximum of approximately 2,900 acre-feet per year (AFY), depending
upon rainfall and operational limitations from the Carmel Valley Alluvial
Aquifer for injection to the Seaside Basin via proposed Water Project 2
facilities if minimum instream flow requirements in
the permit are met.
Full implementation of Water
Project 2 is estimated to yield an average of 1,000 AFY, which is
additive to the estimated average yield of 920 AFY currently with Water Project
1. Thus, successful implementation of Water
Project 2 could result in an average reduction of 1,920 AFY in diversions from
the Carmel Valley Alluvial Aquifer during the summer season (June 1 – November
30), as required by Amended Permit #20808C.
DISCUSSION: The Addendum provides a description of full implementation of ASR Water Project 2 at the Seaside Middle School site. The Addendum is intended to support any and all future discretionary approvals for installation and operation of permanent facilities at the site. The Addendum was prepared by District staff with assistance by Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc. (DDA).
The Addendum is supported by an Initial Study
Checklist for full implementation of ASR Water Project 2, and concludes the
following with regards to CEQA compliance:
Implementation of the proposed project would not directly have any
significant adverse effects on the environment,
Future potential projects with components proposed at the project site
have been described and previously evaluated in certified EIRs, most recently
the EIR/EA, and the significant adverse effects of these projects have been
No new or previously unidentified adverse significant impacts would
result from full implementation of ASR Water Project 2.
No circumstances have changed and no new information of substantial
importance has been presented since the consideration of the previous EIR/EA to
trigger a new significant adverse impact.
IMPACT TO DISTRICT RESOURCES: Adoption of the Resolution itself has no resource or financial impacts. However, it will enable future actions to actually construct the project, which will have significant effects on District finances and staff resources.
16-A Resolution 2012-04
16-B Addendum to Phase 1 ASR EIR/EA
16-C Mitigation Monitoring Plan for Water Project 2
16-D Figure of Water Project 2 location
16-E Plan View of Water Project 2