Monterey Peninsula Water Management District2025-01-21T12:25:58-08:00

Conserve and Sustain.


Pure Water Monterey Expansion on Track for 2025

In January, the final phase of the PWM Expansion project was initiated on former Ft. Ord property. When completed, two new wells will inject 2,250 acre-feet per year (730 million gallons) of new drinking water into the Seaside Groundwater Basin for Peninsula use.

Free Landscape Seminars Benefit from Master Gardeners

The first in a series of virtual seminars will be held Monday, March 5 at 6pm. They will continue through November. The seminars are sponsored by MPWMD, Cal Am, and the Water Awareness Committee and will help you design, install, and manage your landscape using the Watershed Approach. READ MORE >

Half a Billion Gallons of Rainwater Stored for Future

Last winter, MPWMD injected 495 Million Gallons from the Carmel River into the Seaside Groundwater Basin—the third best ASR injection season ever! That’s enough water to serve 8,000 homes for a year. We now have 3,677 acre-feet stored in the ground for future use in a dry period.

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