The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (herein referred to as MPWMD) hereby disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any damage, injury, loss, claim, or lawsuit arising from any error, inaccuracy, or other problem with either digital map, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), or database data contained on the computer media or the computer media themselves. The person, organization or agency requesting the DATA (herein referred to as the User) hereby releases the MPWMD and its officials and employees, from all liability, damages, claims, injuries, or suits arising from any such error, inaccuracy, performance or problem. Furthermore, the User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the MPWMD and its officials and employees, from any and all claims, liability damages, injuries, and suits arising from the use of the computer tapes, digital media or the digital maps contained therein or thereon by the User or its employees or assignees.

The digital map, GIS, or database data provided are “as is” and the MPWMD expressly disclaims the spatial accuracy of the DATA and fitness for a particular purpose, and further expressly disclaims responsibility for all incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the digital data. The MPWMD does not warrant that the functions contained in the requested data will meet requestor’s requirements, that the operation of the data will be uninterrupted or error free, or that data defects will be corrected by the MPWMD.

The digital data is intended for regional evaluation purposes and not for site-specific evaluation. Information in this data set is preliminary in nature and subject to revision. Conclusions drawn from such information, whether from individual use or aggregate use with other data, are the responsibility of the User.  All products, digital, written or otherwise, which are derived from the DATA, shall provide full acknowledgement to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.





Printed Name:________________________________________________


Organization or Agency:________________________________________________