This meeting has been noticed according to the Brown Act rules. The Board of Directors meets regularly on the third Monday of each month. The meetings begin at 7:00 PM in the Monterey City Council Chambers. |
As permitted by Government Code Section 54954.5 et seq., the Board may adjourn to a closed or executive session to consider specific matters dealing with pending or threatened litigation, certain personnel matters, or certain property acquisition matters. I. PERSONNEL SESSION (Gov. Code §54957)
ACTION: The draft budget is a revised version of the draft accepted by the Board on April 26, 2001. It is presented for adoption at this meeting. The Board will discuss the budget and consider the staff recommendation for adoption. Public comment will be received on this item.
ACTION: In March 2001 the Board approved a contract with Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc. to provide demographic consulting services to facilitate completion of the redistricting process. The consultant will outline the process for the Board and answer questions. Public comment will be received on this item.
ACTION: Staff will present information regarding available water storage as of May 1, 2001 and expected water demand through September 30, 2002. Based on this information, staff will recommend whether or not water demand reductions are needed at this time. Public comment will be received on this item.
ACTION: Representatives from EDAW, Inc. the consultant retained by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to identify a preferred long-term alternative water supply project (Plan B), will brief the Board on progress to date and describe Plan B scenarios. In 1998, Assembly Bill 1182 was passed by the State Legislature directing the CPUC to identify a long-term contingency plan to the proposed Carmel River Dam and Reservoir Project. Public comment will be received on this item.
Oral Communications
Any one wishing to address the Board on a metter not listed on the agenda may do so during Oral Communications. Please limit your comment to three minutes. The public may comment on any other matter listed on the agenda at the time the matter is being considered by the Board.
Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar consists of routine items for which staff has prepared a recommendation. Approval of the Consent Calendar ratifies the staff recommendation. A director may request that a Consent item be considered during the "Deferred Consent Calendar Items" portion of the Board meeting.
Closed Session
As permitted by Government Code Section 54956 et seq., the Board may adjourn to a closed or executive session to consider specific matters dealing with pending or threatened litigation, certain personnel matters, or certain property acquisition matters.
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