Regular Meeting
Board of Directors
Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District
meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM in the Seaside City Council
Chambers. Directors present: Alexander
Henson, Chair – Division 5 Judi
Lehman, Vice Chair – Division 2 Alvin
Edwards – Division 1 Molly
Erickson – Division 3 Kris
Lindstrom – Division 4 David
Potter – Monterey County Board of Supervisors David
Pendergrass – Mayoral Representative Acting General Manager present:
Farina District Counsel present: David
Laredo The
assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance The
following comments were directed to the Board during Oral
Communications. (1) Edwin Lee
expressed concerns regarding the District’s ex parte meetings with CPUC members. He also stated his opposition with the
District hiring a lobbyist to assist with promotion of Resolution 2003-01
expressing opposition to SB149. (2)
Nancy Isakson, referred to item 13 of the Consent Calendar. She disagreed
with the categorization of Water Demand Committee as an ad-hoc committee,
since it has been an ongoing and established committee that continues to meet
regularly regarding certain matters.
She encouraged the Board to categorize all committees as standing
committees and notice them as subject to the Brown Act. (3) Richard Andrews, General
Manager, Pebble Beach Community Services District (PBCSD), stated that on
February 27, 2003 the MPWMD Board tabled a request from PBCSD that it be
allowed to use some of the water entitlement from an adjoining 2.2 acre
parcel on its existing property. He
asked that the Board place an item on its agenda in the near future for
action on this request. (4) David
Dilworth, Helping Our Peninsula’s Environment (HOPE), expressed
opposition to any use of Pebble Beach Company water entitlement and asked
that CEQA review be a requirement of the contract. (5) Lou Haddad, stated he has not
received a response to his letter sent to the Board in December 2002. He also questioned miscellaneous
reimbursement payments to staff shown in the Transaction Listing, an exhibit
to the monthly Treasurer’s Report. Mr.
Haddad asked for a response letter explaining the reimbursements. (6) Bill Woodworth, stated that the
document Water Is Life prepared by the Water Awareness Committee
contains many false statements, makes no reference to cisterns, and should
not be an official public document. Chair Henson reported that he received a request to pull item 5. He also pulled items 12 and 13 because Acting General Manager Fran Farina reported that corrections needed to be presented to the Board. On a motion by Director Pendergrass and second by Director Lehman, the remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved unanimously on a vote of 7-0. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Director Erickson made a motion to approve staff’s recommendation to approve the 2003 MOA with the resolution shown on page 25 of the Board packet; the revised Designation of Responsibilities shown on page 26 and 27 that District staff presented to the Board at the July 21, 2003 meeting (on file at the District office) but not designated as such; the revised resolution as handed to the Board at the dais on July 21, 2003 (on file at the District office); and Exhibit B, SWRCB Order WRO 2002-0002, shown on page 29. Director Lindstrom seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 7-0. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Director Erickson made a motion to approve the amended language to the last paragraph of the draft resolution, as recommended by the Administrative Committee on July 15, 2003, shown as Exhibit 12-A on page 58 of the Board packet. Director Lehman seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 7-0. Director Erickson made a motion to bring this item back to the full Board on September 15, 2003 as recommended by the Administrative Committee on July 15, 2003. Director Lehman seconded the motion. The motion was approved on a 6-0 vote. Directors Edwards, Pendergrass, Lehman, Henson, Erickson and Lindstrom voted in favor of the motion. Director Potter was not present. Approved. Acting
General Manager Farina reported on several items. (1) Water Credit Transfer EIR
Request for Proposal (RFP) – District staff communicated with three
consulting firms who expressed interest in submitting an RFP. The District has extended its deadline for
receipt of the RFPs. (2) Sleepy
Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility – The facility is operational with all
pumps functioning. Steelheads are
currently being housed at the facility.
(3) Executive Assistant to the General Manager -- Arlene
Tavani is recovering nicely from surgery.
The temporary person who was hired to assist staff is working out
well. (4) GIS/Graphics position
– An offer for employment was accepted.
The new employee will begin work on September 15, 2003. (5) Temporary HDD Testing -- The
District has received its permit from the City of Sand City. (6) State Parks Department --
The District is expecting to receive its permit soon. (7) Water Demand Committee --
the meeting packets will be distributed on Tuesday, July 22, 2003. (8) California-American Water
Company (Cal-Am) -- Steve Leonard, General Manager, provided an update to
the Board on the San Clemente Dam retrofit project and the Ryan Ranch Water
Distribution System wells that evening. District
Counsel Laredo reported on the Closed Session of June 16, 2003. District Counsel provided status reports
but no action was taken by the Board.
The Board also conferred with Counsel on one item of anticipated
litigation but no action was taken. Director Erickson stated that it is important for the District to have a system of tracking incoming letters and responses and would like to see such a system in place. She also requested that Acting General Manger Farina send a letter of response to Lou Haddad explaining the pre-tax employee savings plan that reimburses employees for medical and childcare expenses. Director
Potter asked that the Board discuss at the August meeting formulation of a
policy statement stipulating that items pulled from the Consent Agenda be
heard immediately following approval of the Consent Agenda so that the public
is not forced to wait through the balance of the items that are on the
agenda. Director Potter proposed a motion to adopt the staff recommendation to approve Application #20021031CAN to amend the Cañada Woods Water Distribution System, and approve the associated Finding and Conditions. Director Edwards seconded the motion. Director Henson proposed an amendment to the motion, to change the last sentence of Condition 19 on page 152 to read, “If this condition is not met, the Permit shall be subject to revocation.” Director Potter seconded the motion. Director Erickson proposed an amendment to Director Henson’s motion that Condition No. 6 on Page 150 be amended to indicate that the two-way dual metering system is to be operational before the permit is valid. Director Potter seconded the motion. The motion was adopted on a vote of 5 – 2. Directors Edwards, Pendergrass, Lehman, Henson and Potter voted in favor the motion. Directors Erickson and Lindstrom voted in opposition to the motion. The
following comments were directed to the Board during the
public hearing on this item. (1)
Robert Greenwood, Carmel Valley Association, urged the Board to delay
approval of the proposed permit until the applicant provides adequate
engineering and logistical information about the two-way dual metering
system. (2) David Dilworth,
HOPE, stated the inadequacies in the report require that the projects should
be combined and be put on hold to allow for updated CEQA review and that no
free water be given to the applicant. (3)
Bill Woodworth, asked why no consideration has been given to development
of a dam on the Arroyo Seco river. The meeting was recessed at 9:10 PM and reconvened at 9:25 PM Director
Erickson offered a motion to approve staff’s recommendation and find that
special circumstances exist for CHOMP, and substantial uncertainty exists
regarding the projected water use proposed by CHOMP. In addition, the Board shall find that the
effort to save water on-site should work cooperatively with efforts to
conserve water within the District as a whole. The Board shall also adopt the Conditions
of Approval and the amendments to Condition 1 and 4 that District staff
presented to the Board at the July 21, 2003 Public Hearing (on file at the
District office). Director Erickson
also proposed amendments to Condition No. 7-A and No. 9. Condition 7-A shall read, “Within 21 days
of a March Special Circumstances Review Form that notes actual water use in
excess of 119.28 acre-feet, CHOMP shall submit to the District a plan to
maintain water use within the hospital water use limit. Condition 9 language shall be deleted with
the following language substituted: “CHOMP shall make its best efforts to
initiate water saving efforts that avoid, or keep to a negligible level,
cross-media environmental impacts (e.g. going from silver to plastic-ware for
food service)”. Director Lindstrom
seconded the motion. The
motion was adopted unanimously on a vote of 7-0. The
following comments were directed to the Board during the public hearing on
this item. (1) David Dilworth stated the Board needs to look at the
totality of the impacts of water use related to the hospital and asked the
Board to consider whether off-site transfers would be possible in this
situation. (2) Tex Irwin
suggested the District use records from the hospital to monitor its future
water use but not for determining use now.
He also stated that water for the project should come from the community
benefit allocation. (3) Marc Beique
urged the Board
to consider the hospital’s request to delete Condition 9. He stated the hospital protects the public
health and that it should be encouraged and assisted. Director Pendergrass made a motion to adopt the July through September 2003 Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget. Director Edwards seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by the Board on a vote of 6-0. Director Potter was not present. During
the public hearing on this item, David Dilworth, HOPE, asked two
questions: 1) where do leaks come into the equation, and 2) will we ever
recover the 160 acre-feet that is going to be pulled out for the injection
and recovery project. Director Lindstrom proposed a motion to reject the report as unusable and deem it to have no value to CEQA determinations of special significance. Director Erickson seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by the Board on a 6-0 vote. Director Potter was absent. During
the public hearing on this item Robert Greenwood, Carmel Valley
Association, stated that the National Marine Fisheries Service, California
Department of Fish and Game and Carmel River Steelhead Association all agree
with the Carmel Valley Association’s point of view in considering the
Threshold Report to be a waste of time and money because it develops
thresholds too low to be accepted in any viable water supply project. David Dilworth, HOPE, stated he
hopes the Board does not choose option two and that the consultant be removed
from any approved consultant list used in the future by the District. Director Erickson proposed a motion to adopt the resolution presented on pages 199 and 200 of the Board packet, and insert the following ballot measure text under number 4, “Shall the Water Board continue to ban water profiteering and water credit transfers?” Director Lindstrom seconded the motion. The
motion failed on a vote of 4 to 3.
Directors Edwards, Lehman, Pendergrass and Potter voted against the
motion. Directors Erickson, Henson and
Lindstrom voted in favor of the motion. The
following comments were presented during the public comment period. (1) John Fischer stated that the
measures, as proposed, were straight-forward but did not address the issue of
remodels. (2) David Dilworth thanked
Director Edwards for his efforts to provide more public participation,
democracy and input. He stated he
would like to see the following question, “Shall the people of the water
district require a vote on all water projects that affect the District.” There
was no discussion of these items. The
meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:30 PM. U:\Sara\word\Yr2003\Minutes\Board\final0721.doc |
2. Consider Adoption of Policy Regarding Disposal of Surplus Property 3. Receive Report of Counsel
re: Status of Rule 33 (C) – (Former Water West Reserve) 4. Status Report on Monterra
Ranch Annual Reports for Water Year 2001 and 2002 5. Consider Approval of
Annual Memorandum of Agreement for Releases and Diversions from San Clemente
Reservoir 6. Consider Extension of
United States Geological Survey Cooperative Agreement for Water Year 2004 7. Consider Authorization of
Funds to Rent Irrigation Equipment for San Carlos Irrigation Systems CONSENT
CALENDAR 8. Consider Authorization of
Funds to Purchase Orthophotography within District Boundary 9. Approve Contract Amendment
with RAMLIT Associates for Computer Modeling Assistance (CVSIM) 10. Consider Authorization of
Funds to Purchase Realquest Product Package 11. Approve Amended Memorandum
of Agreement Between the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District and the
Carmel River Steelhead Association 12. Approval of Resolution
Authorizing and Governing the Use of Volunteers 13. Review Status of Board
Committees and Ratify Direction on Noticing Non-brown Act Subcommittee
Meetings 14. Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s
Report for May 2003 GENERAL
REPORT 15. Report on Closed Session
of June 16, 2003 DIRECTORS’ REPORTS16. Board Comments and
Referrals PUBLIC HEARINGS17. Consider Application to Amend Cañada Woods Water Distribution System Permit PUBLIC HEARINGS17.
Consider Application to Amend Cañada Woods Water Distribution System Permit 18. Consider Request of Special Circumstances, Rule 24-G, for CHOMP (Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula) PUBLIC HEARINGS 19. Consider Adoption of July through September 2003 Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget ACTION ITEMS 20. Receive Comments on Draft Carmel River Threshold Report 21. Consider Adoption of Ballot Measure(s) Language, Review and Approve Text of Initiative Ordinance, and Approve Action to Set Election for November 4, 2003 All-Mail Ballot Election INFORMATIONAL ITEMS/STAFF REPORTS 22. Letters Received 23. Committee Reports 24. Strategic Planning Initiatives Progress Report 25. Quarterly Water Supply Project Status Report 26. Carmel River Fishery Report 27. Quarterly Carmel River Erosion Protection and Restoration Report 28. Quarterly Irrigation Program and Riparian Projects Report 29. Quarterly Public Information Program Report 30. Water Conservation Program Report 31. Monthly Allocation Report 32. Monthly Cal-Am Sales Report 33. Monthly Cal-Am Production Report 34. Production Report – CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project 35. Monthly Water Supply Status Report ADJOURN ________________________________ Fran
Farina, Acting General Manager |