Strategic Planning Retreat

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

September 25, 2006



Directors Present

Michelle Knight, Chair, Division 4

Judi Lehman, Vice Chair – Division 2

Alvin Edwards – Division 1 (arrived at 9:00 AM)

Kristi Markey – Division 3 (arrived at 8:45 AM)

Larry Foy – Division 5

David Pendergrass – Mayoral Representative

David Potter – Monterey County Board of Supervisors


General Manager:  David A. Berger


District Counsel:  David Laredo

                                  Heidi Quinn


District Staff Present:

Rick Dickhaut, Chief Financial Officer

Stephanie Pintar:  Water Demand Manager

Joe Oliver:  Water Resources Division Manager

Darby Fuerst:  Senior Hydrologist

Kevan Urquhart:  Senior Fisheries Biologist

Andy Bell:  Engineering and Planning Manager

Henrietta Stern:  Project Manager

Inder Osahan:  Chief Technology Officer

Arlene Tavani:  Executive Assistant



Marilyn Snider, of Snider and Associates, facilitated the meeting.  She welcomed the meeting participants and members of the audience.  The group addressed each item on the meeting agenda.   A record of the discussion is included as Attachment 1. 


Comments received during the two public comment periods are listed here.  (1) Roy Kaminske proposed a plan for controlling withdrawals from the Carmel River that he believes would maintain year-round flow in the river.  (2) John Fischer expressed support for the District’s effort in conducting the strategic planning session.


The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:30 PM.





                                                                                                                David A. Berger, Secretary to the Board





