This meeting has been noticed according to the Brown Act rules. The Board of Directors meets regularly on the third Monday of each month and on Thursday, ten days following the Monday meeting.  The meetings begin at 7:00 PM in the Monterey City Council Chambers.












Regular Meeting

Board of Directors

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


April 27, 2000

7:00 PM

Monterey City Council Chambers

Pacific and Madison, Monterey CA 93942



I.              CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL                   




III.                  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Anyone wishing to address the Board on Consent Calendar, Informational Items, Staff Reports or matters not listed on the agenda may do so during Oral Communications.  Please limit your comment to three minutes.  The public may comment on Action and Public Hearing items at the time they are considered by the Board.


IV.                CONSENT CALENDAR  Routine items for which staff has prepared a recommendation.  Approval of the Consent Calendar ratifies the staff recommendation.  The public may address the Board on any Consent Calendar item during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting.  Please limit your comments to three minutes.

A.        Treasurer=s Report for the Month of March 2000

B.        Ratification of Agreements

C.        Authorize Contracts for Field Biology Assistant Positions

D.        Consider Request for Proposals for Preparation of Biological Assessment for California Red-Legged Frog B Carmel River Dam and Reservoir Project

E.        Authorize Funds for Production and Mailing of 1999 MPWMD Annual Report

F.        Approve Settlement Agreement and Release for Landslide Damages at the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility

G.        Approval of the Third Quarter Financial Report for Fiscal Year 1999-2000


V.              PRESENTATIONS

A.        General Manager's Report

B.        Attorney's Report

C.        Directors' Reports



A.        Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 96 B An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Revising the Definition and Regulation of Water Distribution Systems

ACTION:   The Board will consider the first reading of Ordinance No. 96, which makes changes to existing District rules and regulations that define and govern creation and expansion of water distribution systems, including mobile water distribution systems.  Public comment will be received on this item.


B.        Consider Appeal of ADecision of the General Manager of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Dated March 3, 2000.  The Decision Denies Allocation of Retrofit Credits to Alex and Soteria Dubelman Residing at 1511 Bonifacio Road, Pebble Beach, CA@

ACTION:   The Board will consider a request to allow residential retrofit credits for a single-family residence in Pebble Beach.  Public comment will be received on this item.



A.        Consider Request for District to Serve as Potential Fiscal Agent for Watershed Coordinator

ACTION:   The District has been asked by Monterey County to serve as a potential fiscal agent to facilitate a grant for a watershed coordinator for the Carmel Rivershed Watershed Council.  The Board will consider the District=s willingness and ability to serve as the fiscal agent, which entails administering $80,000 in grant funds and hiring a consultant to serve as the coordinator.


B.        Consider Adoption of Draft Strategic Plan for February 2000 through December 31, 2000

ACTION:   The Board will consider adoption of a strategic plan that lists the District=s three-year goals and specifies objectives for the February 2000 through December 31, 2000 time period in order to achieve those goals.   The objectives were developed during the series of three strategic planning sessions conducted by the Board in February and March 2000.  Public comment will be received on this item.


VIII.             INFORMATIONAL ITEMS/STAFF REPORTS  The  public may address the Board on Informational Items and Staff Reports during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting.  Please limit your comments to three minutes.

A.        Letters Received

B.        Committee Reports

C.        Irrigation Program and Riparian Projects Report

D.        Carmel River Erosion Protection and Restoration Report

E.        Monthly Cal-Am Sales Report

F.        Monthly Cal-Am Production Report

G.        Financial Report - CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project

H.        Production Report - CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project

I.        April 2000 Water Supply Status Report




Molly Erickson, Chair - Division 3

David Potter, Vice Chair - Representing Monterey County Board of Supervisors

Alvin Edwards - Division 1

Ron Chesshire - Division 2

Kris Lindstrom B Division 4

Alexander AZan@ Henson - Division 5

David Pendergrass - Mayoral Representative




This agenda is subject to revision and may be amended prior to the scheduled meeting.  A final agenda will be posted at the District office at 5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, 72 hours prior to the meeting, and copies will be available at the Board meeting.  Staff notes regarding these agenda items will be available for public review on Monday, April 24, 2000  through Thursday, April 27, 2000  at the District office and at the Carmel, Carmel Valley, Monterey, Pacific Grove and Seaside libraries.  The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for  Monday, May 15, 2000.