This meeting has been noticed according to the Brown Act rules. The Board of Directors meets regularly on the third Monday of each month.  The meetings begin at 7:00 PM in the Seaside City Council Chambers.






Regular Meeting

Board of Directors

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


August 29, 2002

7:00 PM

Seaside City Council Chambers

440 Harcourt Avenue, Seaside CA 93955-0810







ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Anyone wishing to address the Board on Consent Calendar, Informational Items, Staff Reports or matters not listed on the agenda may do so during Oral Communications.  Please limit your comment to three minutes.  The public may comment on Action and Public Hearing items at the time they are considered by the Board.


CONSENT CALENDAR  Routine items for which staff has prepared a recommendation.  Approval of the Consent Calendar ratifies the staff recommendation.  The public may address the Board on any Consent Calendar item during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting.  Please limit your comments to three minutes.

1.             Consider Approval of Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting of July 15, 2002; and the Special Board Meeting of July 31, 2002

2.             Consider Extension of United States Geological Survey Cooperative Agreement for Water Year 2003

3.             Receive Semi-Annual Groundwater Quality Monitoring Report

4.             Ratification of Appointment to the Carmel River Advisory Committee

5.             Consider Adoption of Resolution of Appreciation for Craig Vetter

6.             Consider Adoption of Resolution of Appreciation for Michael Waxer



7.             Update on Estimate of District Revenues and Expenditures Since 1978

8.             Update on California-American Water Company Water Production Data Discrepancy



9.             Report on Closed Sessions of July 15, and July 31, 2002



10.          Board Comments and Referrals



No public hearing items are presented for Board consideration.



11.          Consider Authorization for Execution of Contract Amendment with Jones & Stokes Associates:  Phase 2 Scope of Work and Cost Estimate for Long-Term Water Supply Project EIR

Action:   The Board will consider authorizing staff to execute a contract amendment with Jones and Stokes Associates to include Phase 2 tasks associated with the long-term water supply project EIR.  The Board will review the scope of work and cost estimates of core tasks associated with preparation of a Draft EIR for public review in early 2003, and will also consider three optional tasks related to the scope of study in the EIR.  Public comment will be received on this item.


12.          Receive Presentation on Key Findings of Phase III Laguna Seca Subarea Hydrogeologic Update

Action:   The consultant team will provide a brief presentation on the updated hydrogeologic evaluation of the Laguna Seca Subarea of the Seaside Ground Water Basin.  Public comment will be received on this item.


INFORMATIONAL ITEMS/STAFF REPORTS  The  public may address the Board on Informational Items and Staff Reports during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting.  Please limit your comments to three minutes.

13.          Letters Received

14.          Committee Reports

15.          Strategic Planning Initiatives Progress Report

16.          Monthly Water Supply Project Report

17.          Carmel River Fishery Report

18.          Water Conservation Program Report

19.          Water Use Credit Transfer Status Report

20.          Monthly Allocation Report

21.          Monthly Cal-Am Sales Report

22.          Monthly Cal-Am Production Report

23.          Production Report – CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project

24.          Monthly Water Supply Status Report


ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION As permitted by Government Code Section 54956 et seq., the Board may adjourn to a closed or executive session to consider specific matters dealing with pending or threatened litigation, certain personnel matters, or certain property acquisition matters.

25.          Conference with Legal Counsel (Gov. Code Section 54956.9)

A.            California-American Water Company Application No. 02-04-022 to the Public Utilities Commission for Authority to Increase Rates for Service for 2003, 2004 and 2005


26.          Conference with Labor Negotiators (Gov. Code Section 54957)

A.            Agency Designated Representative:  Ernesto A. Avila

            Unrepresented Employees:  Confidential Staff Unit

B.             Agency Designated Representatives:  Ernesto A. Avila, Rick Dickhaut, Cynthia Schmidlin Employee Organization:  Laborers’ International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, (LIUNA/UPEC) Local 270


27.          Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation – Significant Exposure to Litigation Exists Pursuant to Subdivision (b) (3) (D) of Gov. Code Section 54956.9 (One Case)


28.          Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Gov. Code Section 54957)

A.            General Manager


29.          Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (Gov. Code Section 54956.9)

A.            Mary Currier, Chris Currier and Roy and Jeanelle Kaminske v MPWMD, Case No. M59299, Monterey County Superior Court

B.             Cities of Seaside, Carmel, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Pacific Grove and Sand City v MPWMD, Case No. M59441, Monterey County Superior Court






Board of Directors

Kris Lindstrom, Chair – Division 4

Zan Henson, Vice Chair - Division 5

Alvin Edwards - Division 1

Judi Lehman - Division 2

Molly Erickson - Division 3

David Pendergrass - Mayoral Representative

David Potter - Monterey County Board of Supervisors


General Manager

Ernesto A. Avila

This agenda is subject to revision and may be amended prior to the scheduled meeting.  A final agenda will be posted at the District office at 5 Harris Court, Monterey,  72 hours prior to the meeting, and copies will be available at the Board meeting.  Staff notes regarding these agenda items will be available for public review on Monday, August 26, 2002 through Thursday, August 29, 2002 at the District office and at the Carmel, Carmel Valley, Monterey, Pacific Grove and Seaside libraries.  The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for September 16, 2002.











