Contact: Henrietta Stern Cost Estimate: N/A
General Counsel Approval: N/A
Committee Recommendation: The
Administrative Committee reviewed this item at its January 21, 2003 meeting and
recommended that additional questions be added to the RFP, that a broader
distribution list be used, and that this item be considered at a future
CEQA Compliance: N/A
SUMMARY: The Board will consider whether or not to authorize the General Manager to retain a consultant by March 2003 to assist staff with implementation of regulations governing water distribution systems, as most recently amended by Ordinance No. 105, (effective January 15, 2003). The Board will also consider whether additional outreach for consultant services should take place before making a decision, pursuant to recommendations by the Administrative Committee at its January 21, 2003 meeting. The purpose of this report is to provide a status report on this effort.
Board direction at its December 16, 2002 meeting was to transmit Requests for Proposals (RFP) in December 2002 in order to facilitate a Board decision at the January 30, 2003 meeting. A budget estimate of $51,000 for 600 hours performed from February 1 through June 30, 2003 was used, based on information provided to the Board on December 16, 2002. The consultant would work closely with staff to carry out the following tasks:
Ř Help set production limits and organize well and system data;
Ř Help evaluate and process water distribution system permit applications; and
Ř Help evaluate implementation of Ordinance No. 105 and plan for Fiscal Year 2003-2004.
Staff transmitted RFPs to four local firms in the form of 11 questions about technical qualifications, experience working in a staff capacity for local agencies, local knowledge of water issues, conflict of interest (including the District’s Conflict of Interest Statement) and cost. Four proposals were received. District staff reviewed the proposals and recommended Idias Consulting as the most qualified, responsive and cost-effective. A total of 728 hours could be provided for $51,000 at a rate of $70 per hour. References, including two local water agencies, all had very positive remarks about the firm.
At its January 21, 2003 meeting, the Administrative Committee expressed concerns about the RFP process and made the following recommendations:
Ř An additional question should be included in the RFP about whether the firm has had any environmental determination challenged in court, what the outcome was, and whether the District Board has a conflict with the outcome. (Note: District staff is determining when this policy was adopted by the Board.)
Ř The RFP distribution list should be broadened based on suggestions by Monterey County and local cities and agencies.
Ř The respondents should include any current or reasonably foreseeable project applicants they may have as clients (Note: The current RFP includes a question about potential conflict of interest, and includes the District’s Conflict of Interest Statement.)
Ř A corrected RFP with an expanded list of consultant groups as provided by the County and jurisdictions should be transmitted by January 24, 2003 (Note: Due to deadlines associated with other staff notes, this request is not feasible. The goal for revised RFP issuance is the week of January 27, 2003.)
Ř Approval of a consultant should not be included on the January 30, 2003 agenda.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board receive the status report on this issue. The modified RFP will be issued the week of January 27, 2003. No Board action is likely until March 2003.