Meeting Date:           January 30, 2003                    Budgeted: N/A

                                                                                    Program Line Item No.:  N/A

Staff Contact:             Larry Hampson                      Cost Estimate:  N/A


General Counsel Approval: N/A

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


Instream Habitat Structures at the deDampierre Restoration Project:  This project to place large wood and rock structures in the channel of the Carmel River near the deDampierre Little League baseball fields was completed in October 2002.  The goal of this work is to improve aquatic habitat for steelhead, California red-legged frogs (CRLF) and other native aquatic species found in the river.  The project was funded through a grant for $69,000 from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG).  The University of California at Santa Cruz and the Big Creek Lumber Company donated 10 large logs (up 40 feet long and 2.5 feet in diameter)  valued at $10,000 for this project.  MPWMD is contributing in-kind services in the form of staff time valued at $6,400.  The Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District also participated in this project by allowing access and placement of the structures at the deDampierre Addition to Garland Park.


In October 2002, District staff assisted Dawn Reis, a California red-legged frog (CRLF) expert, in completing daytime and nighttime surveys of the project site prior to the beginning of construction.  Ten CRLF were found and relocated to appropriate locations in the river during these surveys.  District biologists returned daily to the site for several weeks during construction to inspect for frogs.  MPWMD staff also trapped and relocated 160 steelhead prior to the beginning of work.  Construction management was provided by MPWMD.  Work was completed on October 30, 2002, one day before project permits were due to expire.


As shown below, project costs were nearly $15,000 less than the budgeted cost.


                                      BUDGET                 ACTUAL

Construction*                           $ 62,550                      $ 45,500

Environmental Consultant*             4,000                           5,000

Legal advertising*                                 0                           1,000

Biological sampling*          2,300                           2,300

Total reimbursable costs*         $ 68,550                      $ 53,800

MPWMD in-kind Services            6,400                           6,400

TOTAL COSTS                     $ 75,950                      $ 60,260



*These costs will be reimbursed by grant funding from the California Department of Fish and Game


December 2002 rains caused river flow to peak at just less than 3,300 cubic feet per second at the site (provisional estimate at Rosie’s Bridge from the U.S. Geologic Survey), which is the highest flow since the winter of 1998.  The log and rock structures were completely inundated by this high flow.  After flow dropped, District staff inspected each structure and found them to be stable and working as intended.

 (i.e., scour pools had developed in the immediate vicinity of the structures).


Carmel River Watershed Council Coordination:  District staff met with Jonathan Berkey, the Carmel River Watershed Council (CRWC) coordinator on several occasions during the past quarter to discuss watershed issues, problems, and potential solutions.  District staff gave a presentation on Carmel River restoration at the CRWC regular monthly meeting on October 23, 2002.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Permit for Carmel River Activities:  District staff revised the description of maintenance and restoration activities included in an application to the Corps for a Regional General Permit (RGP) and submitted the new description to the National Marine Fisheries Service in December 2002 for final comments.  A response is expected by late January 2003. 


Carmel River Erosion Potential Hotline: District staff began operating MPWMD's erosion potential hotline in early December 2002. Information about Carmel River flows, weather conditions, bank erosion, and emergency contacts is updated on a regular basis. The hotline is planned be operated until approximately mid-April, when the potential for flooding and erosion is reduced.


Carmel River Advisory Committee:  The Committee held a regular meeting on December 5, 2002.  Minutes will be provided to the Board in a future report.


Large Woody Debris Assessment Study:  Staff continued to assist students at California State University at Monterey Bay who are carrying out the large wood assessment for the District.  As of the end of November 2002, approximately 25% of the river between San Clemente Dam and Highway 1 had been surveyed for large wood.  High flows in December 2002 made additional surveys impossible.  A report is expected to be completed in the spring of 2003.




