Meeting Date: February 27, 2003 Budgeted:
Program/Line Item No.: NA
Staff Contact: Joe Oliver/ Cost
Estimate: NA
General Counsel Approval: NA
Committee Recommendation: NA
CEQA Compliance: NA
Staff has prepared a draft Water Production Summary Report for Water
Distribution Systems (WDSs) within the District for Water Year 2002 (WY
2002). WY 2002 includes the period from
October 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002.
Preliminary computations indicate that 15,991 acre-feet (AF) of water
were produced by the 44 registered WDSs in the District during RY 2002. The largest WDS in the District, the
California-American Water Company (Cal-Am), accounted for 14,611 AF, or 91
percent of total production reported by WDSs.
This report is for information purposes only. The Board should review the draft report and
provide any comments or questions to staff.
Staff will complete the final report, incorporating any late revisions,
if this item is approved with the Consent Calendar.
All owners and operators of WDSs are required to annually submit water
production information from WDSs within the District. WDSs are defined as "works within the
District used for the collection, storage, transmission, or distribution of
water from the source of supply to the connection of a system providing water
service to two or more connections".
Each WDS must report the amount of water produced and delivered, in
addition to the number of existing and new connections served during the
reporting year. The information for WY 2002 is summarized in Exhibit 4-A.
The systems shown are grouped by source area. This information is also incorporated into
the District-Wide Water Production Summary Report, presented as Item 5
of the Consent Calendar of this packet.
For comparative purposes, the Annual Water Distribution System
Production Summary Report for Reporting Year 2001 (RY 2001) is provided as Exhibit 4-B.
Production figures for four WDSs --
Bishop, Rancho Fiesta Mutual, Ryan Ranch, and Hidden Hills -- are reported
separately from the Cal-Am system, although Cal-Am owns and operates each
system. Bishop Water Company has been operated by Cal-Am since September 1996,
and was acquired by Cal-Am on July 1, 1999.
The Hidden Hills system was formerly reported as the “Carmel Valley
Mutual Water Company”. Annexation of
this system by Cal-Am was authorized by the Board in 1993. Water delivery for the Rancho Fiesta system
was not reported separately because all water used within that system was
delivered from other sources within the Cal-Am system. Although water production and delivery values
for the Bishop, Hidden Hills and Ryan Ranch systems are reported separately
from Cal-Am’s in this report, they are included in Cal-Am’s total production in
the District-wide Production Summary Report (Exhibit 5-A) as “Cal-Am Wells Outside
the Water Resource System”. In addition,
production from the former Water West WDS, which was annexed into the Cal-Am
service area in 1989 and integrated into the Cal-Am system in 1993, is
incorporated into Cal-Am's total production and delivery values in this report
and in Exhibit 5-A of the
District-wide Production Summary Report.
The Cañada Woods WDS is also worth
mentioning because it derives its water from wells both within and outside the
Carmel Valley Alluvial Aquifer. Combined
production from both upland and alluvial sources for Cañada Woods WDS in WY
2002 was 176 AF, as compared to 228 AF in RY 2001, for an overall decrease of
23 percent. Production from Cañada
Wood’s upland sources in WY 2002 totaled 46 AF, representing a decrease of 59
percent, while production from its alluvial wells increased from 117 AF to 130
AF, or 11 percent.
Four WDSs appear on the Annual Water
Distribution System Production Summary Report for WY 2002 that were not on the
Report for RY 2001. Three were issued WDS permits in WY 2002 as “single
connection water distribution systems” under Ordinance No. 96, Abadir Parcel A
and C WDSs and Booth WDS. The third
system, Hidden Mesa WDS, was permitted by the District in August 2001 as a
pre-existing WDS with a valid permit from the Monterey County Health
District-wide - Total WDS production within the
District for WY 2002 was 15,991 AF. Of
this total, the Cal-Am system (not including the Bishop, Hidden Hills and Ryan
Ranch Systems) accounted for 91 percent, and the 43 other active systems
accounted for the remaining nine percent.
The WDS production for WY 2002 is 589 AF (four percent) greater than the
production reported for RY 2001. During
WY 2002, Cal-Am system production increased by 472 AF (three percent), while
reported non Cal-Am system production increased by 117 AF (nine percent),
relative to production in RY 2001.
Within the Monterey Peninsula Water
Resources System (MPWRS) - Total WDS production from the MPWRS, which
includes the Carmel River and its tributaries, the Carmel Valley alluvial aquifer,
and the Seaside Coastal Basin, was 15,097 AF in WY 2002. Total WDS production within the MPWRS
increased by three percent in WY 2002 compared to production in RY 2001. Specifically, Cal-Am production in WY 2002
was three percent (472 AF) greater than production in RY 2001, while combined
production from 14 other active systems within the MPWRS decreased by one
percent (4 AF), relative to production computed for RY 2001. This comparison includes the alluvial wells
serving the Cañada Woods WDS, but does not include the “Riverside RV Park WDS”,
which has not reported for WY 2002, but accounted for 7.30 AF in RY 2001. Staff continues to pursue reports from all
delinquent well owners, with particular emphasis on WDSs.