Date: February 27, 2003 Budgeted: Yes
Item No.: Aquatic Staff
Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this
item at its February 18, 2003 meeting and recommended consideration by the full
CEQA Compliance: CEQA Notice of Exemption filed March 27, 1991
ESA Compliance: District holds a CWA Section 404 permit for the project, issued by the US Army Corp of Engineers on October 22, 1998
SUMMARY: Staff requests authorization to spend not more than $29,112 of FY 2002-2003 Mitigation Program funds to purchase, transport, and place spawning gravel in two locations below Los Padres and San Clemente Dams. This work complies with a contractual grant issued to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (District) by the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). If approved, $19,112 of the total amount will be reimbursed to the District through a CDFG grant. Work will be completed by the end of March 2003.
RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to expend funds totaling $29,112 to continue maintenance of spawning habitat restoration project below Los Padres and San Clemente Dams. The Administrative Committee considered this item on February 18, 2003, and recommended that the full Board consider this item at the February 27, 2003 meeting.
BACKGROUND: In 1993, the District received a grant from CDFG to restore steelhead spawning habitats in the Carmel River between Los Padres Dam and Sleepy Hollow by adding 580 cubic yards (cy) of spawning gravel. As part of the contract with the state, the District is required to monitor and maintain the gravel over a ten-year period from 1993 through 2003.
In December 2000, the District was awarded a CDFG grant in the amount of $19,112 for a pilot project testing the feasibility of using a portable dredge to move native gravels from the San Clemente Reservoir delta over the top of the dam to benefit spawning steelhead below the reservoir. Unfortunately, staff is unable to get all the required permits for the project before the grant expires. Instead, staff plans to use the grant money, in addition to the District’s contribution of $10,000, to purchase, transport and place 300 tons of spawning gravel into the river below Los Padres and San Clemente Dams and up to 700 tons into dry locations immediately adjacent to the low-water channel where future high flows will mobilize the material.
IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES: Funds for this project expense are included in the FY 2002-2003 District Budget, as line item No. 2-4-9 under Aquatic Resources Fisheries, Maintenance and Monitoring of Spawning Habitat Restoration Project. The District’s share for this project is $10,000. The remaining $19,112 will be reimbursed to the District by the CDFG. Approximately 80 hours of staff time will be required to place the gravel.