TO:      ___ Office of Planning and Research                   FROM:  Monterey Peninsula Water Mgt. Dist.

1400 Tenth Street, Room 121                       PO Box 85

Sacramento, CA 95814                            Monterey, CA 93942-0085


_XX_ County Clerk--County of Monterey

240 Church Street, PO Box 29

Salinas, CA 93902


Project Title:  Adoption of Ordinance No. 106 Amending Fees for MPWMD Permits


Project Location -- Specific: Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD)


Project Location -- City: service area of MPWMD            County: Monterey   


Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: The nature of proposed Ordinance No. 106 is to amend MPWMD Rules and Regulations that govern fees for permit applications for water distribution system and other permits.  The ordinance purpose is to ensure a better balance between revenues from permit processing fees and the actual staff and legal costs incurred by MPWMD to process permit applications.  Beneficiaries are rate-payers and tax payers within the MPWMD.


Name of Public Agency Approving Project:  Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: MPWMD


Exempt Status: (check one)

_____ Ministerial (Sec. 15073)

_____ Declared Emergency (Sec. 15269 (a))

_____ Emergency Project (Sec. 15269 (b) and (c))

_____ Categorical Exemption. 

__X_  Statutory Exemption, Guidelines 15273 (a) (1), Rates, Tolls, Fares and Charges 


Reason(s) Why Project Is Exempt:   Ordinance No. 106 is for the purpose of meeting operating expenses, including employee wage rates.  Findings are included as part of Ordinance No. 106; additional rationale and documentation are provided in staff information packages of December 16, 2002 (second reading of Ordinance No. 105) and January 30, 2003 (first reading of Ordinance No. 106).  Ordinance approval would have no significant effect on the environment and is not considered a “project” under CEQA.


Agency Contact Person            Area Code        Telephone                    Extension

Henrietta Stern                  831                658-5621                            n/a 




________________________________                            ____________________

Ernesto A. Avila                                                 Date

             MPWMD General Manager     



