Date: March 4, 2003
To: Ernesto Avila, General Manager
From: Henrietta Stern, Project Manager
At its January 21, 2003 meeting, the Administrative Committee recommended a broader scope of potential consultants be contacted for Requests for Proposals (RFP), based on suggestions by local agencies. This approach was confirmed by the MPWMD Board at its January 29, 2003 meeting. Beginning in late January 2003, MPWMD staff made calls to a variety of local agencies requesting information about consultant lists for planning and water well-related services to augment staff. The responses included:
Ø Christi di Iorio, City of Carmel-- provided names of 3 local planning firms used to augment staff;
Ø Bill Fell, City of Monterey-- provided names of 3 local planning firms used to augment staff;
Ø Judy McClelland, City of Pacific Grove-- does not use contractors to augment staff;
Ø Cheryl Sandoval, Monterey County Health Dept., Environmental Health-- provided list of five registered hydrogeology firms used for assessment of water systems; they do not hire consultants to augment staff; County previously supplied list of geologists and other professionals;
Ø Thom McCue, Monterey County Planning and Building Inspection Dept.-- provided list of planning firms used to augment staff;
Ø Curtis Weeks, Monterey County Water Resources Agency-- provided names of firms they have used or would make sense, based on services we need.
District staff developed the lists in Tables 1A and 1B based on the above information, calls to the four original consultants contacted, and a review of groundwater consultants known to work locally. The firms’ expertise ranges from planning to hydrogeology; the list includes local as well as out-of-town firms. When needed, consultants on the list were contacted by phone to obtain e-mail addresses.
District staff then revised the text of the RFP based on the Administrative Committee recommendations. District staff transmitted an “invitation to submit” e-mail message, along with an e-mail version of the RFP (without attachments) and the text of Ordinances No. 96 and 105, to all consultants on Tables 1A and 1B on Monday, February 10, 2003. Information about the RFP submittal deadline of Friday, February 28, 2003 was also provided. District staff used this e-mail method to quickly disseminate information about the scope of work and RFP requirements, and obtain rapid responses from firms that are interested in proposing. The firms that responded were provided a hard copy of the RFP and all exhibit materials. Staff also provided a copy of the RFP to Fran Farina at the request of Director Erickson.
The following entities requested and received a hard copy of the RFP and attachments:
Ø ETIC Engineering, Pleasant Hill
Ø Fran Farina, Santa Barbara
Ø HF Geologic Engineering, Waterford
Ø John Logan, Carmel
Ø Pacific Municipal Consultants, Monterey
Ø PES Environmental, Novato
In addition, the four original recipients who received RFPs in December 2002 indicated their continued interest in submitting a proposal with amended information to respond to new Question #12 on litigation and permit violations.
Three firms submitted proposals by the deadline of February 28, 2003 as follows:
Ø EMC Planning, Monterey
Ø Golden State Environmental/CapRock Geology, Monterey and Salinas
Ø IDIAS Consulting, Monterey
All of the three firms are local and had submitted a proposal in January 2003. No out-of-area firms submitted a proposal.
February 2003
CapRock, Salinas |
rbarminski@aol.com |
Cleath & Associates, San Luis Obispo |
tcleath@best1.net |
Cotton Shires & Associates, Los Gatos |
losgatos@cottonshires.com |
Earth Systems, Hollister |
bfaust@earthsys.com |
ETIC Engineering, Pleasant Hill |
tforth@eticeng.com |
Foxx, Nielsen and Associates, Santa Cruz |
hans@surfnetusa.com |
Fugro West, Ventura |
dgardner@fugro.com |
GeoConsultants, San Jose |
info@geo-consultants.com |
Gilpin Geosciences, Pleasant Hill |
lgilpin@gilpingeosciences.com |
Geomatrix Consultants |
wpipes@geomatrix.com |
Geotechnical Consultants, Inc., San Francisco |
jwband@gtcgeotech.com |
Grice Engineering, Salinas |
Lgrice7311@aol.com |
Gus Yates, San
Luis Obispo (?) |
gusyates@earthlink.net |
Harding ESE, Oakland |
mdtaraszki@mactec.com |
Haro, Kasunich & Associates, Watsonville |
jharo@harokasunich.com |
Hayes & Associates, Watsonville |
ryan@weber-hayes.com |
HF Geologic Engineering, Waterford |
hferriz@geology.csustan.edu |
Idias Consulting, Monterey |
idias@redshift.com |
John Logan, Carmel |
Kleinfelder, Salinas |
nstoopes@kleinfelder.com |
LandSet Engineers, Salinas |
guylandset@aol.com |
Lew Rosenberg, Templeton |
lrosenberg@thegrid.net |
Martin Feeney, Ventura |
mfeeney@ix.netcom.com |
Nolan Associates, Santa Cruz |
erik@nolanzinn.com |
Padre Associates, Goleta |
stanner@padreinc.com |
PES Environmental, Novato |
npogoncheff@pesenv.com |
Rogers Johnson & Associates, Santa Cruz |
Sierra Delta
Corp., Paso Robles |
Smith Evernden Associates, Davenport |
D&M Consulting (formerly Terratech), Monterey |
Mark_Lord@urscorp.com |
Todd Engineers, Emeryville |
pstanin@toddengineers.com |
February 2003
Crawford Multari & Clark |
cmca@cmcaplans.com |
Denise Duffy & Associates, Monterey |
info@ddaplanning.com |
Design Partnership, San Francisco |
Elaine Hansen, Monterey |
ehmc@redshift.com |
EMC Planning Group, Monterey |
contactus@emcplanning.com |
Gannett Fleming, Los Angeles |
dshuter@gfnet.com |
Golden State Environmental, Monterey |
sundt@goldenstateplanning.com |
Ibis Environmental Services, San Rafael |
Sue4ibis@aol.com |
Steven Maki, Santa Cruz |
smaki@cruzio.com |
NUVIS Landscape, San Ramon |
Keith.French@cwix.com |
Pacific Municipal Consultants, Monterey |
tstern@pacificmunicipal.com |
Robert Bein/William Frost, San Jose |
Strelow Consulting, Santa Cruz |
steph@strelowconsulting.com |