TO PROVIDE [describe services required]



                  I.            INTRODUCTION


                  [As needed for specific RFP]



               II.            BACKGROUND


       The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District is a California special

      district created by the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Act,

      Statutes of 1977, Chapter 527, to provide regional water supply planning within

      a 170 square mile area consisting primarily of the Monterey Peninsula and

      Carmel Valley, California.  The District is located approximately 120 miles south

      of San Francisco and 335 miles north of Los Angeles.  Within the District’s

      boundaries are the incorporated cities of Carmel-by-the-Sea, Del Rey Oaks,

      Monterey, Pacific Grove, Sand City and Seaside, in addition to portions of  

      Unincorporated Monterey County.


                  The District is empowered to manage and regulate the use, reuse, reclamation,

                  conservation, storage, distribution, treatment, and disposal of water and

                  wastewater within its jurisdiction.  The mission of the District is to manage,

                  augment and protect water resources for the benefit of the community and the



                  The District is governed by a seven-member board of directors, five elected at

                  large and two appointed. The Board appoints the General Manager, who oversees

                  a staff of 27 full-time employees.  Revenues to carry out the District’s tasks are

                  derived primarily from property taxes, user fees, and connection charges.  The

                  District has a current annual budget of approximately $5.5 million.



           III.            CONSULTANT TASKS


                  [Detailed description of tasks to be performed]



            IV.            FINAL DELIVERABLES


                  [As needed for specific RFP]


               V.            BUDGET


                  To be determined [or details as required].



            VI.            TIME SCHEDULE


Time is of the essence.  The consulting firm is to complete project tasks on or  before [month, date, year].



Please Provide Information and Responses to the Following Questions





A.     Describe the qualifications of your firm as well as the members of your staff who will be assigned to this project.  Please provide names and resumes of assigned staff members.


B.     Describe your experience assisting public agencies with similar tasks [add detail and additional questions as required].


C.     Provide a minimum of three references, including at least one local government agency, including name of contact person and telephone number.


D.     [Add additional questions as required].





A.     List all office locations.


B.     Indicate which location(s) will conduct the specified work.


C.     Describe your office facilities with emphasis on computer hardware and software regularly used (e.g., word processing, document scanning, etc.).  Your system must be able to send and receive Microsoft Word documents as e-mail attachments.


D.     [Add additional questions as required].





A.     Provide a cost estimate for services to be provided, including your assumptions about the number of hours worked, the staff assigned and the rates charged.


B.     Explanation of what would cause extra costs to be incurred.


C.     Billing policies and procedures.


D.     Sample copy of your consulting contract.




               X.            ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS


A.     Please list all clients located within the MPWMD boundaries to whom your firm has provided services in the past five years, and for which compensation of $1,000 or more was received.


B.     Are you aware of any projects or clients that could impede your ability to carry out these tasks in a fair and unbiased manner?  (For your information, if selected, you must complete a MPWMD Conflict of Interest Statement).


C.     Please describe any legal challenges or litigation over the past ten years regarding work product by your firm or your subcontractors for which your firm was directly responsible.  Describe the outcome and any other relevant information with sufficient detail for us to understand it.  For example, if your firm wrote a report or a CEQA document for a public agency and subsequent litigation challenged the adequacy of your work product, tell us about it.  (You may exclude billing disputes).


D.     Have any permit violations been lodged against your firm under (a) the Endangered Species Act or  (b) by any permitting agency associated with the implementation of a mitigation/monitoring plan for which you were responsible?



            XI.            SUBMITTAL GUIDELINES


[Number] complete copies of each proposal shall be submitted in a sealed  envelope clearly marked as “Personal and Confidential”, and labeled as [name of project].  Proposals must be addressed to:


                   [Employee name & title]

                           Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

5 Harris Court, Building G

                           Post Office Box 85

                           Monterey, California 93942


The original proposal must be signed by the proposing consultant, if a sole proprietor, or by one or more authorized officials of a proposing consultant that is a business entity.  Proposals may be filed in person or by mail, but must in any case be received in the District office no later than 4:00 p.m. on [Month, date & year].  





The District will rely upon the following criteria during the evaluation and selection process:


§         Acceptable documented history of providing needed services to similar organizations.

§         Quality of responses to this Request for Proposal (RFP).

§         Total projected cost of consulting services.

§         Qualifications and experience of the consulting firm’s staff.

§         Timeliness and quality of responses to clarification questions.

§         Freedom from business conflicts.

§         [Add additional criteria as applicable].


The District reserves the right to reject all proposals, to request additional information  concerning any proposals for purposes of clarification, to accept or negotiate any modification to any proposal following the deadline for receipt of all proposals, and to waive any irregularities if such would serve the best interest of the District.


Please direct all questions concerning this Request for Proposals to [name & title at (831) [telephone no.] or via email at [email address].


