Administrative Committee of
Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM in the
District conference room.
Committee members present:
Molly Erickson
Judi Lehman
David Pendergrass
Staff members present:
Fran Farina
Rick Dickhaut
Andrew Bell
Sara Ramos
Oral Communications
No comments were presented by members of the public.
Items on Board Agenda for April 2003
A. Consider Approval of Request for Proposals to Conduct Recruitment for Position of General Manager
The committee proposed suggestions to the draft request for proposal (RFP). Rick Dickhaut, Administrative Services Manager/Chief Financial Officer, distributed a list of potential executive search firms to receive the RFP. A draft timeline of the General Manager Executive Search was also distributed to the committee. The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend Board approval.
Fran Farina, Acting General Manager, reported that staff is requesting to move the unexpended and previously approved funds from the Phase 1 to the Phase 2 scope of work for the Water Supply Project EIR. The committee voted 2 to 1 in favor of the staff’s recommendation.
A revised scope of work was presented to the committee, which included two new tasks from Turnstone: 1) develop a project description, and 2) conduct a public scoping session for the contents of the EIR. Staff also reported that a third task by Turnstone to conduct an economic assessment might be necessary. Tasks 1-3 would require additional consultant expenditures, however a revised budget from Turnstone was not available in time for the Administrative Committee meeting. The committee took no action.
D. Consider Purchase of Two
The committee approved this item on a 3 to 0 vote.
E. Consider
Authorization of Funds to Contract with Ventana Wilderness Society for Carmel
River Avian Habitat
The committee approved this item on a 3 to 0 vote.
F. Consider Authorization of Funds to Prepare Maps for Implementation of Revised Water Distribution System Regulations
Andrew Bell, District Engineer, answered questions from the
committee. The committee approved this
item on a 2 to 1 vote.
G. Consider Adoption of Standard Language for Requests for Proposals Prepared by the District
The committee proposed several changes to the RFP
text. This item was approved on a 3 to 0
H. Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for February 2003
The committee approved this item on a 3 to 0 vote.
Status Reports
No discussion.
Other Business
Judi Lehman was elected as the new Chair by committee consensus.
The committee discussed the possibility of hiring a new consultant for the next District newsletter and determined that candidates already existed from prior interviews. The committee would like to see a newsletter out in May 2003. The committee requested that the General Manager provide an oral update to the Board at the April 21, 2003 meeting.
C Review Draft April 21, 2003 Board
Meeting Agenda
A revised agenda as of April 11, 2003 was discussed and reviewed by the committee. No action was taken.
Director Comments/Future Items
The committee discussed the need for a potential second Administrative Committee meeting in April 2003 to discuss the budget before the May 21 Board meeting. The committee agreed to meet on April 30, 2003 at 8:15 AM.
B. May
Administrative Committee Meeting –
The next Administrative Committee meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2003 at 8:00 AM.
C. Future Agenda Items
Director Erickson requested the following items be placed on the May 19, 2003 Board meeting agenda: 1) Adopt Board policy that when any document is presented to the Board, Board committee, or staff for review of any staff decision, that those documents become public record. 2) Adopt Board policy regarding access to non-public areas at the District office. The policy should be clear in exempting staff, current Board members and consultants with authorization.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 AM.