Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Strategic Planning Initiatives Progress Report

April 21, 2003 Update







Progress Report




Evaluate and Certify EIR on Water Augmentation Projects in Compliance with CEQA and NEPA


District engineering consultants submitted a Final Phase 1 Technical Memorandum on non-dam water supply options for receipt at the 3/27/03 Strategic Planning Session /Special Board Meeting.  Receipt of this report was postponed to the 4/2/03 Special Board meeting.  Also at that meeting, the Board made a series of decisions regarding water supply policy options and the scope of work, schedule and cost estimates for several Phase 2 water supply project evaluation scenarios.  Staff developed recommendations for use of unexpended Phase I funds to be used for additional work in Phase 2 (see Item 6 in the 4/21/03 Board packet).





Revise the Water Permit Process





The Water Demand Committee received an update on the Revise the Water Permit Processes strategic initiative at its 4/8/03 meeting.  The committee reviewed progress to date and directed staff to focus on improving data management systems within the Water Demand Division and compiling a comprehensive administrative practices and policies manual.  District staff met on 4/9/03 and began working on the data management systems.  District staff has also begun refining a long list of policies and practices that must be documented in a manual.  Once the list is organized, it will be included in an RFP to compile a policy and procedure manual.  The RFP should be sent out the first week in May.





Develop Seaside Basin Ground Water Management Plan




The determination on environmental review is to complete a program-level EIR.  The public outreach plan has been drafted.  The initial meeting of the Seaside Ground Water Basin Management Group was held on 3/26/03.   District staff and consultants are currently preparing presentation materials for the first public workshop on 4/23/03.




Develop Storm Water Reuse Plan




Pursuant to direction by the Board at the 1/16/2002 strategic planning session, storm water reuse has been incorporated into the water supply augmentation initiative.




Increase Innovative and Effective Conservation Practices


The Water Demand Committee received an update on this initiative on 4/8/03. Work on this initiative is on hold pending completion of the Revise the Water Permit Processes strategic initiative.




