Summary of Production, Delivery and Connection Data from
Monterra Ranch Mutual Water Company Annual Water Monitoring Program Reports:  1996-2002
Production (acre-feet) RY 1996 RY 1997 RY 1998 RY 1999 RY 2000 RY 2001 RP 2001 WY 2002
Total Well 1.53 1.23 10.46 12.83 17.89 89.30 101.95 166.40
Total RO Plant Production --- --- --- 11.72 15.22 22.92 31.89 27.77
RO Brine Conc. Production --- --- --- 1.10 2.67 3.84 5.22 3.90
RO Plant % of Well ([RO+Brine]/Well) --- --- --- 100% 100% 30% 36% 19%
Brine Reject % (Brine/RO) --- --- --- 9% 18% 17% 16% 14%
Delivery (acre-feet)
Total Metered Consumption --- --- --- 10.46 14.24 20.38 28.33 26.21
Consumption % Loss (RO-Consump./RO) --- --- --- 11% 6% 11% 11% 6%
Active Connections
Residential -- inclusionary homes --- --- 42 42 42 --- 42 42
Residential -- market rate homes --- --- --- 1 3 --- 11 11
Irrigation --- --- 2 2 2 --- 2 2
Non-residential/commercial --- --- --- 1 3 --- 3 6
Construction - temporary --- --- --- --- --- --- 9 7
Total --- --- 44 46 50 0 67 68
Delivery/Connection (acre-feet/connection)
Residential -- inclusionary homes --- --- 0.18 0.23 0.28 --- 0.30 0.30
Residential -- market rate homes --- --- --- --- 0.46 --- 0.40 0.60
Irrigation --- --- 0.17 0.05 0.08 --- 0.26 0.21
Construction - temporary --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.06 0.14
Sales Office --- --- --- 0.14 0.88 --- 0.48 0.22
Golf course clubhouse --- --- --- --- 0.01 --- 3.84 3.83
Golf course maintenance building --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.31 0.31
Golf course 13th fairway bathroom --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.02
Golf course 16th fairway bathroom --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.04
  Mid-gate guard house   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.91
Text Box: NOTES:
1.  RY refers to Reporting Year from July 1 to June 30 of year shown.  RP refers to the 15-month Reporting Period from July 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001.
2.  WY refers to Water Year from October 1 to September 30.  In 2002, the reporting system was switched to WY to conform with hydrologic data reporting.
3.  RY 1998 represents the first year that the 42 inclusionary housing units were occupied.
4.  RY 1999 -- 0.34 acre-feet (0.11 million gallons) was subtracted from reported well production as this volume was for M-13 well testing.