Nomenclature for Project Areas


Caņada Woods:  This is the original Caņada Woods project to which the existing water distribution system permit applies.  The project area consists of a residential subdivision on approximately 500 acres north of Carmel Valley Road and a mix of agricultural, commercial, and employee housing uses on approximately 50 acres extending south of Carmel Valley Road to the Carmel River.


Caņada Woods East:  This 397-acre area is adjacent to the east side of the portion of the original Caņada Woods project area located north of Carmel Valley Road.  Caņada Woods East contains 20 residential parcels.  Combined with the reconfiguration of the original Caņada Woods project area to reduce the number of parcels by 10, the net result for the overall project is an increase of 10 residential parcels.


Caņada Woods North:  This 1,060-acre area, located adjacent to the northerly boundary of Caņada Woods and Caņada Woods East, is included within the boundaries of the existing Monterra Ranch water distribution system.  Uses include 34 residential lots, a golf course and accessory uses including a clubhouse and 12 member suites, equestrian and recreational uses, and 5 employee housing units. 


Monterra Ranch:  This project extends from the northern boundary of Caņada Woods and Caņada Woods East to Highway 68.  The original Monterra Ranch development includes the area now known as Caņada Woods North, and the water distribution system permit issued by the District for Monterra Ranch includes Caņada Woods North in its service area.


Caņada Woods Water Company (CWWC):  This term has different meanings, depending on what regulatory permitting agency is being addressed.  In the context of MPWMD and Monterey County, the CWWC is the entity that is proposed to produce, treat, and deliver potable water produced from the Carmel Valley alluvial aquifer for use in Caņada Woods and Caņada Woods East.  In the context of the California Public Utilities Commission, the CWWC has authorization to provide potable water service, wastewater collection and treatment, and distribution of reclaimed water in the Caņada Woods, Caņada Woods East, and Monterra Ranch areas.  Subsequent action by MPWMD will address production and use of water from non-alluvial wells and use of reclaimed water not currently included in permits issued by MPWMD.


Monterra Ranch Mutual Water Company:  Monterra Ranch Mutual Water Company produces, treats, and delivers water from non-alluvial wells for potable and sub-potable uses in the Monterra Ranch area, including Caņada Woods North.  Subsequent action by MPWMD will address production and use of water from non-alluvial wells and use of reclaimed water not currently included in permits issued by MPWMD.



