Resolutions of Approval by Monterey County Board of
10/6/87 and 12/14/93 for Monterra Ranch Subdivision
3/15/94 for Cañada Woods Subdivision
2/14/95 for Cañada Woods Public Water System
8/22/95 for Cañada Woods East
12/7/96 for Cañada Woods North
California Regional Water Quality Control Board: 7/17/97 Order No. 97-32, “Waste Discharge and Water Reclamation Requirements for Cañada Woods Reclamation Company.” Authorizes the use of reclaimed wastewater on the “Cañada Woods North golf course and grassland restoration area.” Also governs collection, treatment, and storage of wastewater. For this use, wastewater is collected from the Monterra Ranch and Cañada Woods project areas, treated at a treatment plant located in Cañada Woods, and the reclaimed water is pumped to Cañada Woods North for golf course irrigation.
California Public Utilities Commission: 4/4/2002 Decision 02-04-006 granting Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to Cañada Woods Water Company, LLC to construct a public utility water system and a public utility sewer system for identical service areas comprised of the Monterra Ranch and Cañada Woods project areas combined.
State Water Resources Control Board: 5/2/2003 Order approving a petition for change in point of diversion and place of use under Permits 20831 and 20832. Amended permits, also dated 5/2/2003, were issued pursuant to conditions of the order. Changes include the addition of River Well No. 2 as a point of diversion and expansion of the place of use from the original Cañada Woods area to include Cañada Woods East and the portion of Cañada Woods North located within the Carmel River watershed. In addition, the initial maximum amount of water allowed to be diverted under both permits combined was reduced from 147 acre-feet per year (AFY) to 118.44 AFY. This limit is allowed to increase up to a total of 160 AFA if additional water supplies are developed to reduce the deficit identified in SWRCB’s Water Rights Order 95-10.
Monterey County Health Department, Division of Environmental Health: A Domestic Water Supply System Permit from this agency is required but has not yet been issued. An Application for Domestic Water Supply System Permit was initially filed on behalf of Cañada Woods Water Company, LLC with transmittal letter dated 11/11/02, but the application form was not signed or dated. A signed application form dated 3/21/03 was subsequently submitted to the Monterey County Health Department. The service area of this water system is Cañada Woods and Cañada Woods East.