Team Safety Meeting
- The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m.
in the Library -
PRESENT: Thomas Christensen, Rick Dickhaut, Darby Fuerst, Debby Martin,
Cynthia Schmidlin
USGS Water
Safety Policy: Darby Fuerst
distributed his draft of a MPWMD safety policy regarding measurements,
sampling, and related stream gauging activities, tailoring some aspects of the
USGS Water Safety Policy to District operations. Team members determined that this should not
be a new stand-alone policy, but rather be added as a new section of the
existing Carmel River Safety Policy in the District’s Illness and Injury
Prevention Program (IIPP). Thomas will purchase 4 new personal flotation
devices for the District. Two will be
stored in the Harris Court garage and two in the Carmel Valley Shop.
Garage Door Safety: Team Safety went to the Harris Court garage to
investigate a possible hazard reported though the District’s Safety Suggestion
Program. The large roll-up garage door
has no safety features at all. There is
no laser beam auto stop feature and the “Stop” button on wall switch doesn’t do
anything. Once the door starts closing
it continues to the floor. Hitting the open button can reverse the process, but
this solution might not be obvious in an emergency. This creates the potential
for the door closing on something or someone.
Rick Dickhaut will contact the company that installed the door and check
to see one or both of the stop features can be installed.
New Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Cynthia Schmidlin discussed
the move from the Rural Special Districts workers’ compensation program to the
Special Districts Risk Management Authority effective July 1, 2003. The District’s current Workers’ Compensation
Insurance through the Rural Special Districts Insurance Program will be
discontinued after June 30, 2003.
Therefore, the District Board voted to approve our participation in the
Special Districts Risk Management Authority (SDRMA) Workers’ Compensation
Program. SDRMA has provided the District with property, auto, and general
liability insurance coverage since l996. On July 1, 2003, SDRMA will merge with
the currently separate Special Districts Workers’ Compensation Authority
(SDWCA) and provide one-stop services.
SDRMA has a proven track record with the District of responsiveness to
customer needs, and a proactive risk management program with excellent safety
training support services. The Rural
Special Districts plan had very reasonable premiums which saved the District a
good amount of money, but it did not follow through on promised training. We look forward to getting back on track with
our regular safety training with this change.
3. Violence in the Workplace Prevention: Team members discussed the new District policy
restricting access
to non-public areas of the MPWMD office to individuals who are not District
employees, general counsel, current Board Members, District consultants or
other visitors with express authorization.
Debbie Martin suggested that since this is a safety issue Team Safety
should consider getting signs to indicate non-public areas. Team members agreed. Debbie also described a training course entitled “Security Essentials for
Front Desk Professionals” that had come to the attention of the Water Demand
Division. Water Demand staff deals directly with the public for most of their
duties. They have encountered some individuals who have exhibited angry and
intimidating behavior regarding the permit process and enforcement of District
ordinances and are particularly interested in attending a course addressing
organizational security and emergency response techniques. Debbie suggested
that this type of training would also be of value to other District employees
who receive and meet with the public.
Cynthia noted that this would fit into the category of
Violence in the Workplace Prevention training, which had been given to all
District staff 5 years ago and was due again. One criticism of the earlier
training had been its emphasis on potential violence from fellow staff members
rather than strategies
for defusing angry or upset visitors or property owners. The “Security Essentials” program seems to
meet the latter criteria. Cynthia will follow up with the company to see if a
customized training could be arranged that would benefit a wide number of
District employees.
4. Other Safety Training: Other proposed training
for the upcoming fiscal year are
CPR recertification,
respirator/pesticide training, fire safety, confined spaces extraction and emergency
procedures/disaster planning.
The next Team Safety Meeting is scheduled for Thursday,
September 18th after the staff Meeting, at approximately, 11:00 am.
Team members will perform their annual inspection of the Carmel Valley Field
Office, Carmel Valley Shop, and Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility.