Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Strategic Planning Initiatives Progress Report

October 20, 2003 Update






Progress Report




Evaluate and Certify EIR on Water Augmentation Projects in Compliance with CEQA and NEPA


Staff and consultants focused on obtaining permits for the test wells and sonic surveys to better characterize the shallow coastal dune aquifer.  This information is needed to help assess the feasibility of HDD or “slant wells” for the proposed MPWMD desalination project. A fifth permit was granted by the California Coastal Commission on October 9, 2003.  The remaining permit pending is from the US Army/Fish &Wildlife Service. Hopefully, work can begin by the end of October 2003.  Staff and consultants continue to prepare and refine text for the Administrative Draft EIR on the water supply project.





Revise the Water Permit Process




Insufficient bids were received for a copier in the Water Demand Division that would have facilitated conversion of its filing system to an electronic format.  Staff is pursuing a new request for bids.  The Board will be considering a request to hire two temporary employees to convert the filing system to a parcel-number based system.  This project is scheduled for November.  The District’s consultant, Land Systems Group, continues to compile and organize the existing policies and procedures of the Water Demand Division





Develop Seaside Basin Ground Water Management Plan



Current focus and involvement is on the District’s filing as an intervener in the recent adjudication lawsuit filed by California-American Water Company for Seaside Basin water rights.




Develop Storm Water Reuse Plan




Pursuant to direction by the Board at the 1/16/2002 strategic planning session, storm water reuse has been incorporated into the water supply augmentation initiative.




Increase Innovative and Effective Conservation Practices


The Water Demand Committee received an update on this initiative on 4/8/03. Work on this initiative is on hold pending completion of the Revise the Water Permit Processes strategic initiative.


