Regular Meeting
Board of Directors
Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District
meeting was called to order at 7 PM in the District conference room. Directors
present: Alexander
“Zan” Henson, Chair – Division 5 Judi
Lehman, Vice Chair – Division 2 Alvin
Edwards, Division 1 Molly
Erickson, Division 3 Kris
Lindstrom, Division 4 (Participated by telephone) David
Pendergrass, Mayoral Representative David
Potter, Monterey County Board of Supervisors Directors
absent: None General
Manager present: Fran Farina District
Counsel present: David C. Laredo Special
Counsel present: Carl Nelson The
assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The
following comments were presented to the Board during Oral Communications. (1) Steve Leonard reported that 25
acre-feet of water from the Monterey Peninsula Water Resources System has
been delivered to the Ryan Ranch Water Distribution System. A new well has been installed at Ryan
Ranch and pumping should begin on October 21, 2003. (2) Lou Haddad, a resident of Monterey, urged the Board
to defer approval of a contract with Fran Farina until after the November 4,
2003 election so that the Board members seated in December can participate in
the decision. On
a motion by Director Lehman and second by Director Erickson, the Consent
Calendar was approved on a vote of 5
– 1 – 1. Directors Erickson, Henson, Lehman, Lindstrom and Pendergrass voted
in favor of the motion. Director
Edwards voted against the motion.
Director Potter abstained. District
Counsel Laredo reported that at the September 15, 2003 Closed Session, a
report was given by District staff and the Board Chair. Direction was provided to District Counsel
with respect to both Closed Session agenda items. Mr. Laredo reported that at the October 20, 2003 Closed
Session, he and the Board Chair reported on the General Manager contract
negotiations. A motion was proposed
by Director Erickson and seconded by Director Pendergrass to authorize the
Chair to negotiate a contract with Fran Farina. The motion was approved on a vote of 5 – 1 – 1. Directors
Erickson, Henson, Lehman, Lindstrom and Pendergrass voted in favor of the
motion, Director Edwards was opposed.
Director Potter abstained.
Mr. Laredo announced that the Closed Session would resume at the close
of the Board meeting to continue discussion of the item on pending
litigation. Motion 1 Director
Potter proposed a motion to direct staff to modify the CEQA findings to
include the following information: (1) explanation as to why the project
improvements are needed and the performance criteria; (2) address issues
related to Order 95-10; (3) habitat and recreational opportunities on the
Carmel River; (4) over-pumping of the Carmel River and the Seaside aquifer;
(5) acknowledgement of the existence of the Monterey County EIR and
discussion of whether it is relevant or not relevant, (6) discuss how
circumstances have changed since the EIR was written in 1989 such as listing
of the steelhead and red-legged frog as endangered species; (7) clarify that
on page 269 of the packet, the reference to the Reclamation Project EIR
refers to the Final EIR; (8) page 277 of the packet refers to the development
of 900 to 1,000 units, the document should state that the proposal will
affect 140 vacant lots and 2,700 existing homes that could be remodeled; and
(9) if the Board were to establish accountability for use of the 350
acre-feet of water, that should be included in the CEQA findings. Director
Lehman seconded the motion. The
motion was adopted unanimously on a vote of 7-0. Motion 2 Director
Potter proposed a motion to adopt first reading of Ordinance No. 109 and
conduct the second reading on November 17, 2003. The ordinance would become
effective on December 17, 2003. He proposed
that the Board provide direction to District staff on modifications that
should be made to the ordinance. In
addition District Counsel should provide direction as to whether the
ordinance could be modified and presented for second reading, or if the
modified ordinance must again be presented for first reading. Director Pendergrass seconded the motion,
which was deferred to the end of the meeting. The last action of the Board
that evening was to adopt this motion unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. Motion 3 Director
Potter proposed a motion to change the paragraph at the top of page 63 of the
Board packet to indicate that there may be other sources of revenues, such as
adding the words “except as otherwise provided herein” or “not exclusively
limited to.” Director Edwards
seconded the motion. No action was
taken on the motion. Motion 4 Director
Henson made a motion that was seconded by Director Erickson, to modify the
fourth line in the first paragraph on page 63 of the Board packet by deleting
the words “or any other Public Participant.” The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. Motion 5 Director
Potter made a motion to delete the definition of “Emergency” from Ordinance
No. 109 and the accompanying agreements because it had been replaced with the
definition of “Interruption.”
District Counsel was directed to add language to the ordinance that
describes the concept of water shortage or water supply emergencies. The new
section could be titled “Declared Emergency” or “Various Water Supply
Emergencies.” Director Edwards seconded the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. Motion 6 Director
Henson proposed a motion to clarify that CAWD and PBCSD have a duty to repair
the facilities in order to bring an end to any interruption. Director Henson later withdrew his
motion. Motion 7 Director
Henson proposed a motion to modify Ordinance No. 109 to state that the amount
of water purchased and applied to the benefited property shall be the limit
on water consumption available to that property. The limit will be enforceable by deed restriction. Language should be inserted at the top of
page 46 of the Board packet at the end of the first sentence, “Should
enforcement of this deed restriction to limit water use to the entitlement
amount become required, all costs of enforcement including reasonable
attorneys fees shall be assessed to the prevailing party.” Director Erickson seconded the motion. Director
Erickson offered an amendment to the motion to specify that the District will
have access to water use records of the benefited property in
perpetuity. Director Henson seconded
the amendment. The amended motion was
adopted on a vote of 4 – 3. Directors
Erickson, Henson, Lehman and Lindstrom.
Directors Edwards, Pendergrass and Potter voted against the motion. Motion 8 Director
Erickson made a motion that a finding be developed that would describe Order
95-10 and the extraordinary nature of the entitlement water in that it is
outside of Order 95-10, therefore it is necessary to hold it to higher
standards. In addition, a new finding
should be added that discusses the state mandate to protect the Carmel River
and the Seaside aquifer from over-pumping, and the effects on endangered
species habitat and recreation. Director Lindstrom seconded the motion. The motion was approved on a vote of 5 –
2. Directors Erickson, Henson,
Lehman, Lindstrom and Potter voted in favor of the motion. Directors Edwards and Pendergrass voted
against the motion. Motion 9 Director
Erickson offered a motion to add a clause to Ordinance No. 109 stating that
“this ordinance shall be of no effect until all of the supporting documents
are signed and approved by all parties and in effect.” The finding should make it clear that the
Board’s intent is that “this is a package deal,” and that the ordinance and agreements are one complete
document. Director Lindstrom seconded
the motion. The motion was approved
unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. Motion 10 Director
Erickson offered a motion to delete from the ordinance any reference to
treating purchasers of entitlement water in the same manner as other
customers in the California-American Water Company service area. The change should be made wherever
language conflicts with the earlier motion on limiting water use on those
properties. Director Henson seconded
the motion. The motion was adopted
on a vote of 4 – 3. Directors
Erickson, Henson, Lehman and Lindstrom voted in favor of the motion. Directors Edwards, Pendergrass and Potter
voted in opposition to the motion. Motion 11 Director
Erickson offered a motion that Section 6 of the ordinance clearly identify
understandable performance standards and a timeline for performance of the
project, and clarify the obligation of the appropriate parties to construct a
project and achieve completion as defined by the ordinance. Director Edwards seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously on a
vote of 7 – 0. Motion 12 Director
Henson offered a motion to clarify that once Pebble Beach Company makes a
financial commitment, all participating entities shall use their best efforts
to have the facility completed within two years, as defined in the
ordinance. This language could be
included in Section 6 with the text of the previous motion. Director Erickson
seconded the motion. The motion was approved on a vote of 6 – 1. Directors Edwards, Erickson, Henson,
Lehman, Lindstrom and Potter voted in favor of the motion. Director Pendergrass voted in opposition
to the motion. Motion 13 Director
Henson made a motion that District staff should submit to the Board at second
reading a proposal on how to account for expanded uses such as remodels, as
opposed to new uses. Director Erickson seconded the motion. The motion was approved on a vote of 4 –
3. Directors Erickson, Henson, Lehman
and Lindstrom voted in favor of the motion.
Directors Edwards, Pendergrass and Potter were opposed. Motion 14 Director
Erickson proposed a motion to amend the definition of “supplemental financial
commitment,” and in Sections Three D, and Three I to be consistent with the
amended definition of “supplemental financial commitment,” and with the
description in Section Three J. The
motion was adopted unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. Motion 15 Director
Erickson offered a motion to make Ordinance No. 109 consistent in regards to
the discussion of aggregate water entitlement versus specific one-lot
entitlement beginning on page 47 and continuing throughout Rule 23.5
beginning on page 48 of the Board packet.
In addition, the term “water usage” on page 49 of the Board packet,
section A.(4)(c), should be replaced with the words “projected water
usage.” Director Lehman seconded the
motion. It was adopted unanimously on
a vote of 7 – 0. A
motion was offered by Director Erickson to continue the meeting past 11
PM. Director Lehman seconded the
motion. The motion was adopted
unanimously. Motion 16 Director
Erickson requested that in the final paragraph of Section Four A on pages 49
and 50 of the Board packet, the phrase “preceding two sub paragraphs” should
be specific about which paragraphs the text refers to, as shown on page 4 of
the Errata sheet, Item III A. The
Board took no formal action on this request. Motion 17 Director
Erickson offered a motion to amend the second sentence of the second
paragraph of Section 6, on page 31 of the Board packet, to read as follows:
“In the event that the Fiscal Sponsor or Public Participants request to issue
refunding bonds or other obligations in order to refinance any portion of the
Capital Cost of the Project, MPWMD shall work with such Fiscal Sponsor or
Public Participants in providing for the issuance of such obligations
provided they are financially beneficial to MPWMD.” Director Lindstrom seconded the motion. The motion was adopted on a unanimous vote
of 7 – 0. Motion 18 Director
Erickson made a motion to delete the words “Poppy Hills tank,” as shown on
page 5 of the Errata sheet, Item III B.
Director Lehman seconded the motion.
The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. Motion 19 Director
Erickson made a motion to amend page 23 of the Board packet as follows:
Section F.2. should state “if potable water usage continues longer than 14
days within a 30-day period.” Section
F.3 should state “14 days written notice for such hearing.” The motion was seconded by Director
Henson. The motion was approved on a
vote of 4 - 3. Directors Erickson,
Henson, Lehman and Lindstrom voted in favor of the motion. Directors Edwards, Pendergrass and Potter
were opposed. Motion 20 Director
Henson proposed a motion to adopt the Errata sheet, except as revised during
the Board discussion. Director Edwards seconded the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously on a
vote of 7 – 0. The following comments were directed to the Board
during the public hearing on this item.
(1) Mark Stilwell, Executive Vice President, Pebble
Beach Company – Expressed concern re the issue of measuring water use on lots
that will receive water from the project.
He stated that water use should be calculated using the fixture-unit
method that has been established for all residential projects in the
District, and that applicants for use of entitlement water should be treated
in exactly the same way as other water users within the California-American
Water Company system. He noted that
the fixture-unit method should also be used for calculating water use
associated with the purchase of incremental amounts of water for remodel
projects. He asked how the District
would measure the increment of new water use that would be added to historic
use on the property, if another method of determining water use were
implemented. He suggested that a new
fixture unit methodology could be developed that accounts for the additional
amount of water used by vary large residential lots, such as a 75 or 100
percent factor for irrigation. (2) Lloyd Lowrey, representing
the Independent Reclaimed Water Users Group (IRWUG), stated that IRWUG
members anticipate that their obligation to take the water will begin when
the project is completed as defined on page 20 of the ordinance. He requested that language on page 17 of
the ordinance in sections F.2 and F.3 be modified to state that “if after 30
days of potable water use MPWMD determines to hold a public hearing pursuant
to section F.3, MPWMD shall give a 30 day notice.” (3) Dick Andrews, General Manager of the Pebble
Beach Community Services District, stated that the PBCSD Board of Directors
supports the ordinance, subject to nominal changes. He noted that it was important for the Board to act quickly on
adoption of the ordinance so that supplemental agreements can be
finalized. The ensuing construction
period would last 18 to 24 months. (4)
Michael Niccum, District Engineer, Pebble Beach Community Services
District, presented a chart titled “Annual Water Usage, Carmel River
Basin/Reclamation Project” on file at the District office. Mr. Niccum stated that since 1996,
California-American Water Company has met the water production limit set by
the State Water Resources Control Board every year except 1997. According to Mr. Niccum, the water limit
would have been exceeded every year except 1998 and 1999 without the
Reclamation Project. (5) Jim
Nero reaffirmed the Del Monte Forest Property Owners’ Association support
for the project. He stated later in
the evening that proceeds from the sale of potable and reclaimed water will
not benefit Pebble Beach Company, but will be spent to upgrade public
facilities. (6) Robert
Wellington, Legal Counsel to the Carmel Area Wastewater District and the
Pebble Beach Community Services District, requested that the following
changes be made to Ordinance No. 109. (1) Page 1 of the Errata sheet, section
1.A., modify language to state that reports will be submitted monthly, and
when there is an interruption of service reports will be submitted
weekly. (2) Page 40 of the Board
packet, Finding 14, after the words “will likely be necessary, if at all”
insert the phrase “only in exceptional circumstances including but not
limited to” then cite the four circumstances that would constitute an
interruption in service. (3) Page 54
of the Board packet, section F, paragraph 2, line 1, should reference a 60 or
90-day period. (4) Page 57 of the
Board packet, delete the definition of Emergency. (5) Page 58 of the Board
packet, definition of Interruption,
delete the reference to a specific time period. (6) Page 63 of the Board packet, line 7, delete the sentence,
or after the words “shall be the revenues” insert the phrase “except as
otherwise provided therein.” (7) Joyce Stevens, President of
Carmel Area Wastewater District, advised the Board that Phase 2 project
improvements will virtually eliminate discharges into the Monterey Bay. She
expressed hope that surplus water from this project could be utilized for
Carmel River Lagoon management. She
urged the Board to adopt Ordinance No. 109.
(8) David Dilworth, Helping Our Peninsula’s Environment (HOPE),
described the financing plan as a “water profiteering scheme” that only
provides water for the Del Monte Forest area. He stated that the Findings ignore all environmental effects
that have occurred since the EIR on the recycled water project was
written. Mr. Dilworth stated that an
interruption in service or emergency should only be established by a
regulatory agency. According to Mr.
Dilworth, it would be irresponsible for the Board to adopt Ordinance No. 109. At 9:30 PM the Board interrupted the discussion on item 2 and adjourned to Closed Session. At 9:45 PM the open session reconvened and discussion of item 2 was reopened. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 PM. |
HEARINGS 2. Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 109 – Revising Rule 23.5 and Adopting Additional Provisions to Facilitate the Financing and Expansion of the Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD)/Pebble Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) Recycled Water Project PUBLIC
Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 109 –
Revising Rule 23.5 and Adopting Additional Provisions to Facilitate the
Financing and Expansion of the Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD)/Pebble
Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) Recycled Water Project (continued) PUBLIC
Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 109 –
Revising Rule 23.5 and Adopting Additional Provisions to Facilitate the
Financing and Expansion of the Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD)/Pebble
Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) Recycled Water Project (continued) PUBLIC
Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 109 –
Revising Rule 23.5 and Adopting Additional Provisions to Facilitate the
Financing and Expansion of the Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD)/Pebble
Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) Recycled Water Project (continued) PUBLIC
Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 109 –
Revising Rule 23.5 and Adopting Additional Provisions to Facilitate the
Financing and Expansion of the Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD)/Pebble
Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) Recycled Water Project (continued) PUBLIC
Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 109 –
Revising Rule 23.5 and Adopting Additional Provisions to Facilitate the
Financing and Expansion of the Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD)/Pebble
Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) Recycled Water Project (continued) ADJOURNMENT |
Fran Farina, Secretary to the Board
A. Tavani, 10/20/03 Board Mtng, 8 pages, 11/30/03