Water Demand Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

July 24, 2003



1.                  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM.  

Directors present:  Judi Lehman, Zan Henson, Molly Erickson, (arrived at 4:10 p.m.)

Acting General Manager present:  Fran Farina

Staff present:   Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                        Shawn Novack Conservation Representative I

                        Debbie Martin, Conservation Technician

Guests: Richard Andrews, GM-PBCSD

             Mike Niccum, PBCSD District Engineer

             Alan Samuelson, Carmelo Park-Assisted Living (arrived 4:30 p.m.)


2.                  Status Reports

a.                  Strategic Initiatives Progress

Reported progress to date: RFP due August 8, 2003 on Policies and Procedures Manual


b.         Microphor Microflush 2-Liter Toilet Survey

            Survey was mailed July 22, 2003, to 290 residential property owners. Response anticipated within 30 days.


3.         Action Items

a.                  Consider A Request By Pebble Beach Community Services to Designate PBCSD Property As a Benefited Property

Recommendation: The Acting General Manager (AGM) was directed to confer with Special Counsel to verify that issuance of the permit would not impede the negotiations on the recycled water expansion project. If the matter can be resolved administratively, the AGM is authorized to act; otherwise the matter should be scheduled for Board action in August.


b.         Consider Expanded Rebate Program

            The Committee recommended expansion of the rebate program to include dishwashers using no more than 7.66 gallons per cycle, washing machines up to 28 gallons and instant access hot water systems that provide hot water within 6 seconds. The eligibility area should include Cal-Am Systems within the District boundaries and Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System. Staff was asked to provide additional information on manufacturers of the dual flush toilet and water use information on urinals and cisterns before including them in the rebate offer.


            Committee agreed that District should take a proactive position in baseline conservation requirements and requested that Cal-Am be asked to coordinate the advertising and to participate in the expanded program.


            Committee requested that staff prepare an ordinance mandating the inclusion of these additional water saving devices for new construction. Committee discussed the funding needed for the expanded program and if water use credits should still be offered and applied to properties utilizing the rebate.


c.         Provide Direction on Assisted Living Water Use Factor Survey

Committee requested additional information on pools/water therapy, landscaping use, and special uses such as cafeterias; it was agreed that using the daily census versus number of beds was a more accurate accounting for water use.


d.         Review Amendments to Table 1: Residential Fixture Unit Count

District staff answered questions raised by the committee about the proposed changes to Table 1. The committee requested that shower bar flow be limited to 2.5 gallons per minute.  The committee provided other editorial comments that were incorporated into the revised Table 1.


4.                  Other Items

      No items were discussed.


5.                  Director Comments

            There were no comments from the Directors.


6.                  Future Agenda Items

      There was no discussion of these items.


7.         Adjournment

      The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:45 PM.














