Water Demand
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
The meeting was called to order at 4:10 PM in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Molly Erickson
Alexander Henson
Judi Lehman
Staff members present: Fran Farina, Acting General Manager
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
District Counsel present: David C. Laredo
Review and Provide Direction on Water Use Factor for
The committee discussed information provided by District staff. There was a concern expressed about the off-site laundry use planned for expansion at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP), and its effect on the community. The committee asked how the laundry water use would be reflected in the estimate of CHOMP’s potential water consumption. Bryce Graybill, representing CHOMP, stated that the hospital was embarking on a plan to reduce linen usage by one-third that would reduce the output of dirty linen. The committee provided no direction to staff on this issue, but did request additional information on hospital laundry use and conservation efforts CHOMP has planned. It was suggested that information be provided to the committee on the water use capacity of Mission Linen which handles CHOMP’s laundry.
b. Review Ordinance No. 87, An Urgency Ordinance of the Monterey
Peninsula Water Management District Establishing a Community Benefit Allocation
for the Planned Expansion of the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula
The committee reviewed the information presented by District staff and discussed the issues but made no recommendation.
During the discussion there was a suggestion that the water use calculation be based on CHOMP’s actual water use. A means of reducing water use at the site would have to be developed, if CHOMP’s water consumption eventually exceeded the amount of water allocated to the project. The committee also discussed whether the water set aside in Ordinance No. 87 for CHOMP could be used for development of the Forest Pavilion, since it originally was intended for construction of the cancer center and the South Pavilion.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:00 PM.