Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 AM in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Molly Erickson
Alexander Henson
Judi Lehman
Staff members present: Rick Dickhaut, Administrative Services Manager
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Inder Osahan, Chief Technology Officer
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
District Counsel present: Fran Farina (participated by telephone)
Director Erickson asked if members of the public would like to comment on any item. There were no comments from the audience.
Adopt Committee Meeting Minutes of May 2, May 6 and May
22, 2002
On a motion by Director Henson and second by Director Lehman, the minutes were adopted unanimously.
3. Discuss Scope of Authority to Impose Conditions on Water Permits
Following discussion, the committee directed staff to submit at the next meeting a proposal for mandating minimum water conservation measures for new construction, and voluntary conservation measures that serve as an incentive to reduce water use. Water credit could be granted for some of the mandatory conservation measures. Conservation measures would apply to residential and commercial projects. Staff should review the list of current water conservation devices that are allowed to determine if additional devices could be added. The next step would be to decide if any of the new devices should be mandated for use in new construction.
Update on Access to California-American Water Company
Water Consumption Records
Mr. Osahan reported that the District has requested that California-American Water Company (Cal-Am) provide on a yearly basis, water consumption data that can be incorporated in a database. In addition, the District would like Cal-Am to continue providing weekly water consumption information to staff. So far, information for the 1989 through 2000 time period has not been forthcoming. Director Erickson reported that Steve Leonard, General Manager of California-American Water Company, expressed an interest in working with the District to provide the necessary information. District staff was directed to contact Mr. Leonard and provide a progress report at the next Water Demand Committee meeting.
5. Consider Six-Month Review of Ordinance No. 104 – An Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Modifying Administrative Appeal Procedures
Ms. Pintar and Mr. Osahan described the steps that would be required to automate the process of posting notice of administrative appeals. A data base must be developed for appeal records before the system can be automated and forms available on-line.
District staff was directed to present a six-month update to the Board of Directors on the progress made towards completion of this project. The report should list a projected date for testing of the new procedure, and clearly state that the goal of this project is to improve efficiency in the Water Demand Division.
6. Review Comments for Draft EIR – Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP)
There was no discussion of this item.
7. Discussion Comparing the MPWMD Commercial Water Use Factors with the Marina Coast Water District Commercial Water Use Factors
District staff was directed to bring this issue to the committee again. Ms. Pintar agreed to contact the Marina Coast Water District to determine why their water factors were based on the Universal Plumbing Code. She advised the committee that District staff could embark on an update of the commercial water factors, but Cal-Am must provide the District with water use data in order to accomplish the update.
During the discussion, Ms. Pintar explained that the nursing home factors developed by Marina Coast Water District were based on the Universal Plumbing Code. However, Marina Coast also added water for fire flows to each factor. The factors are in most cases identical to the District’s factors, if water for fire flows were deleted. The District’s assisted living factor was under review at the time of the meeting. Ms. Pintar stated that the District does have water use information on other assisted living facilities owned by the company proposing development of the Sunrise Assisted Living Facility. Ms. Pintar advised the committee that she prepared a letter to Monterey County commenting on the Sunrise Assisted Living Facility. The letter would be provided to the committee and Board after it is reviewed by General Manager Avila.
8. Other Items
Update on IMAX Water Permit Application
Ms. Pintar reported that a response has been prepared to a letter received from Barbara Bass-Evans dated January 30, 2003, requesting that the District review issuance of the IMAX water permit and determine if the special circumstances designation still exists. District Counsel Laredo would review the letter prior to mailing. The committee directed staff to provide a report at the next meeting on the status of the IMAX project. In addition, the committee would like to know what internal measures should be taken to assure that the issues related to permitting the IMAX project would not be repeated. Staff was also directed to place a note in the IMAX file that any request for an extension to utilize the water credits must be brought to the full Board for review.
This was discussed briefly. Staff was directed to establish a link to this report on the District’s web site.
Other Items Discussed
The committee expressed a concern regarding the White Oaks Plaza project. A laundromat and restaurant were closed, and the water credit transferred to other uses. The concern was that new water use at the site might be greater than the credit granted when the laundromat and restaurant were closed. Director Henson requested that staff submit to the committee a draft rule that would require applications for commercial projects to incorporate actual water consumption. Ms. Pintar explained that the commercial water use factors must be updated before any change can be made to the process of permitting commercial projects.
Staff was directed to provide at the next meeting: (a) information on how the District might permit outdoor seating in restaurants; (b) a review of special circumstances permit language; (c) background on the White Oaks Plaza project; and (d) information on development of a new rule for establishment of on-site commercial water credit ensuring that subsequent water use does not exceed that water credit.
Set Future Meeting Date
The meeting was scheduled for April 8, 2003 at 8 AM.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 AM.