Water Demand
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 AM in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Molly Erickson
Judi Lehman
Kris Lindstrom (sitting in for Zan Henson who was unable to participate)
District staff present: Ernie Avila, General Manager
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
2. Adopt Committee Meeting Minutes of May 2, May 6 and May 22, 2002
This item was deferred to the next
committee meeting.
3. Initial Discussion on Application for Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP) Expansion
The committee discussed the item and asked questions of representatives
from CHOMP, Steven Packer, President and CEO; Bryce Graybill, Project Manager;
and Ray Cole, Axiom Engineers. CHOMP
proposed that a water use factor of .48 acre-feet per year, per bed (AF/YR/B),
would be appropriate, instead of the District’s commercial water use factor of
.0002 acre-feet per square foot, per year for medical facilities. Staff was directed to bring this item to the
committee again, after the EIR on the project has been released and the
committee has reviewed the water section.
Director Lehman exited the meeting at 10:30 AM during discussion of this
Mr. Avila explained that staff would like direction on development of a
water factor for the project, and what additional information would be required
to formulate the water factor. The
Board will need to adopt a modified water factor or make a finding of special
circumstances to permit this project.
Following are facts about the project that were established by the
CHOMP representatives in response to questions raised by committee
members. CHOMP contracts with Mission
Linen for handling of laundry. That
process will continue when the new facilities are constructed. The hospital has a plan for reducing usage
of linen in order to cut down on use of laundry services and conserve water. Drip irrigation is planned for watering of
landscaped areas. The hospital has been
replacing non-native landscaping with forest and under-story plants. A waterless x-ray system will be installed
that could save 1.4 acre-feet of water per year (AF/YR).
CHOMP hired Axiom Engineers to develop water use projections for the
facility. The report is on file at the
District office. CHOMP has implemented
extensive conservation measures that resulted in water use of approximately 81
acre-feet in 2001. That is equal to
.48 AF/YR/B. (Water use at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital is .49 AF/YR/B.)
The proposed number of beds after the expansion will be 227 which is equal to
108.96 AF/YR, based on the .48 AF/YR/B estimate. CHOMP estimates that the allocation available to the project is
the historic average water use of 99.38 AF/YR, plus the community benefit
allocation of 18.28 AF/YR, plus a water credit transfer of 1.26 AF/YR for a
total of 118.92 AF/YR. After deducting
conservation savings from mandatory conservation measures, that allocation
could be 110.73 AF/YR. The Axiom
report further states that supplemental conservation measures could reduce
water use to 109.9 AF/YR or .43 AF/YR/B. CHOMP representatives noted that average.
Other Items
Update on Status of Mirabito Appeal and the Gamboa Use
Permit Application to the Monterey County Board of Supervisors
Staff was directed to send a letter to the Monterey
County Planning Department stating that the County’s water use projection for
the site should be increased due to the on-site laundry planned for the
project. It was suggested that staff
investigate what the actual water use for the laundry facilities will be and
factor that into the Gamboa project water use. Even if the laundry will be
off-site, there will be a cumulative effect on community-wide water use that
should be reflected in the projected water use for the project. Staff should also conduct research to
determine if it will be practical to install ultra-low flow toilets in assisted
living facilities and if the required water savings will be achieved. District
staff advised the Board that a water release form from the County has not been
received for the Gamboa project.
Discussion of Proposed Crossroads Expansion
Ms. Pintar answered questions regarding the
project. There was no committee action.
Items to be Discussed at Future Committee Meetings
The committee requested that staff provide an update
on efforts to obtain access to California-American Water Company customer water
use records. In addition, staff should
provide a report on the District’s ability to require that timers be installed
on showerheads and faucets in commercial projects. The committee also requested that staff conduct an investigation
into the IMAX special circumstances permit.
A recent lawsuit has raised questions about whether the project
proponents misrepresented the facts to the District. Ms. Pintar advised the committee that an application for the
project has not been submitted to the District. She also stated that the special circumstances permit only
applied to the theater portion of the project. If the project is to be expanded beyond that, a permit will be
needed for that expanded water use. General Manager Avila recommended that the
request for an investigation be brought to the full Board to determine if staff
resources should be spent on that effort.
Staff agreed to provide information to the committee on the special
circumstances permit that was approved for the IMAX project.
Set Future Meeting Date
No action was taken on this item.
6. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 AM
A. Tavani/11-1/-03/water demand committee/3 pages