Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

January 20, 2004



1.                   Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:21 AM in the District Conference Room. 


Committee members present:

Alvin Edwards

Judi Lehman

Larry Foy


Staff members present:

Fran Farina

Rick Dickhaut

Stephanie Pintar

Inder Osahan

Sara Reyes


District Counsel:

David Laredo


2.                   Oral Communications

No comments were presented.


3.                   Items on Board Agenda for January 29, 2004


Consider Expenditure of Funds to Retain Project Management Services


                The committee recommended approval on a 3-0 vote.


Annual Update on Investment Policy


The committee recommended approval on a 3-0 vote.


Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for November 2003


The committee recommended approval on a 3-0 vote.


Consider Adoption of Mid-Year Budget Adjustment


General Manager Farina reported that on Thursday, January 15, 2004, the District received notice from the State Water Resources Control Board that a permit for this year's planned injection testing project was ready for signature, and that State staff had erred in previously requesting a $100 application fee.  Under the new fee schedule, the application fee is $7,500.  In order to expedite processing of the permit, the District immediately issued a check and mailed it overnight delivery to Sacramento.  Since this transaction occurred after production of the meeting packet for the Administrative committee, staff will modify the staff report to reflect the additional $7,400 expense and present to the full Board at its January 29, 2004 meeting.  The committee recommended approval on a 3-0 vote.


Director Edwards requested a draft, working budget be presented to the Administrative committee in April 2004 to discuss and review the potential expenditures for the next fiscal year. 

Consider New Board Meeting Location

Director Edwards requested staff to obtain written information from Access Monterey with regards to which cities are covered by its television broadcasts.  In addition, he requested staff to determine the availability of the Monterey City Council Chambers for the Special Board meeting scheduled for March 31, 2004.  The committee voted 3-0 on the following two items:


·              Utilize the Monterey City Council Chambers for a trial period of 6 months beginning with the March 15, 2004 Board meeting.  Upon completion of the 6 months, the committee will review any comments or concerns presented by the public regarding the council chambers facilities and present a recommendation to the Board.  


·              Staff will continue to research all costs associated with conducting the Board meetings at the District’s office in Ryan Ranch.  The committee will discuss this information in June 2004.


4.                   Status Reports



5.                   Other Business

                Review Draft January 29, 2004 Board Meeting Agenda


·              Director Lehman expressed her concerns that the Rules and Regulations committee will not be meeting prior to the January 29, 2004 to discuss and make a recommendation regarding Public Hearing Item 15--First Reading of Ordinance No. 112—Rescinding Rules Requiring Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications and Repealing Penalties and Remedies for Non-Disclosure. 


·              Director Edwards requested Action Item 18—Consider New Board Meeting Location, be moved to the first Action Item on the agenda. 


6.                   Director Comments/Future Items

·              Schedule February 2004 Administrative Committee Meeting


The February 2004 Administrative Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 2004 at 8:15 AM in the District Conference Room.  Director Edwards requested staff to review the Administrative Committee meeting schedule with Director Knight in order to determine her availability.


·              Director Foy requested the committee review the policy of reimbursement for Directors and that staff conduct a survey of the various Special Districts as to what the compensation for their Board members is.  Additional information will be presented to the Administrative Committee in February and the committee may take formal action in March 2004. 


7.                   Adjournment

        The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 AM.               


