1.                  Primary Function


The Committee shall serve as a resource to staff and make recommendations for Board action on matters relating to Human Resources.


2.                  Composition and Structure


This Committee shall consist of at least three Board members serving a one-year term. The CEO shall be a non-voting member.  The Chair of the Committee shall be elected by the Human Resources Committee at the first Committee meeting following their appointment.  The Committee shall meet on-call at the discretion of the Committee Chair.  A quorum shall exist if there are at least two Board members present.


3.                  Responsibilities


a)                  The Committee shall:

·Review annual salary ranges;

·Review changes in employee benefits;

·Review changes in the organizational structure at the Division Head level and above;

·Serve as a resource on human resource issues;


b)                 The Committee members who are members of the Board shall convene as the administrative hearing body for all timely problem resolution procedures which are appealed in accordance with the Agency’s Employment Guidelines.  At such a hearing, the administrative hearing body shall designate one of its members to preside over the hearing who shall conduct the proceedings and shall determine the order of presentation and admissibility of material. The final decision made by a majority of the administrative hearing body present at such hearing shall not be subject to appeal.




NOTE:  This Document is provided for example purposes only. 

It has not been reviewed or approved by MPWMD Board or Staff. 

New\MPWMD Gen 04\H.R. Charges