Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Strategic Planning Initiatives Progress Report

March 15, 2004, Update





Progress Report




Evaluate and Certify EIR on Water Augmentation Projects in Compliance with CEQA and NEPA


District engineering consultants consolidated data collected from geophysical (onshore and offshore sonic surveys) and geotechnical (test wells) field evaluations, and prepared a rough draft report for staff and third party review in early March.  The completed report will be presented to the Board at its March 31, 2004 special workshop.  The report will characterize the shallow coastal dune aquifer in the Seaside/Sand City and Fort Ord areas, assess the feasibility of different HDD “slant well” technologies in various locations, and estimate the maximum production capacity of the proposed MPWMD local desalination project using different methods for seawater collection and brine discharge.  District environmental consultants are preparing a range of options for future action on the EIR for Board consideration on March 31.




Revise the Water Permit Process





Conversion of the Water Demand Division's filing system continues.  PM Connect is working with division staff to define and finalize the user and technical specifications for the new database applications.  Land Systems Group continues to compile and organize the existing policies and procedures of the Water Demand Division.





Develop Seaside Basin Ground Water Management Plan



District staff prepared a draft resolution declaring the District’s intent to prepare a groundwater management plan for the Seaside Groundwater Basin and inviting public participation.  The Board will consider the resolution on March 15, 2004. 




Develop Storm Water Reuse Plan




Pursuant to direction by the Board at the 1/16/2002 strategic planning session, storm water reuse has been incorporated into the water supply augmentation initiative.




Increase Innovative and Effective Conservation Practices


The Water Demand Committee received an update on this initiative on 4/8/03. Work on this initiative is on hold pending completion of the Revise the Water Permit Processes strategic initiative.
