Water Demand
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM in the District Conference room.
Committee members present: Larry Foy, Chair
Kristi Markey – arrived at 1:20 PM
David Pendergrass
District staff members present: Fran Farina, General Manager
Stephanie Pinter, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
District Counsel present: David C. Laredo
Approve Minutes of January 20, 2004
Directors Pendergrass and Foy approved the minutes with one correction to page 2, Issue 6. The sentence should be replaced with the following language, “The committee agreed to advise the Board of Directors that they could not reach consensus on a recommendation to specify that the provisions of Ordinance No. 98 should only apply to single-family dwellings on single-family residential sites that met the definition as of the effective date of the ordinance (May 16, 2001).”
Director Markey arrived at 1:20
Action Items
Consider Water Use Credit Recommendation for
Installation of SOMAT Disposal Systems and Waterless Urinals at the Presidio of
Director Markey made a motion to recommend that the Board adopt the staff proposal to approve a Water Use Credit of 9.063 AFA for the retrofit of the Presidio of Monterey’s urinals to waterless urinals and 7.998 AFA for the retrofit of the food service facilities with SOMAT disposal systems. Director Pendergrass seconded the motion and it was approved on a vote of 3 – 0. There was no public comment on this item.
Discuss Water Credit Transfers Next Steps
TAC Recommended Program
EIR Option
Discuss Updating Commercial Water Use Factors
On a motion by Director Markey, and second by Director Foy, the committee unanimously agreed to request that an amended version of Ordinance No. 117 be brought back to the committee for review, prior to its presentation to the Board. Proposed changes to the ordinance are as follows. (1) Directors Foy and Pendergrass supported the change mentioned in Finding 5, and shown in Rule 28.B that would reinstate the water credit transfer approval process at the ministerial level. Director Markey expressed concern with the proposed change. (2) The applicant would be required to provide water use records for the previous 5 years, with a goal of ensuring that the water credit transfer would not result in an increase in water use. (3) If metered water use for the new project does increase beyond the permitted amount, the property owner could offset the increase by retrofitting municipal buildings elsewhere in the jurisdiction. There was no public comment on this item.
c. Discuss Environmental Review of Draft Ordinance No. 114, Amending Rule 24 to Clarify Special Fixture Unit Accounting for Second Bathroom
On a motion by Director Pendergrass and second by Director Foy, the committee voted unanimously to recommend adoption of the staff recommendation to proceed with preparation of an Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Draft Ordinance No. 114. The motion was approved on a vote of 3 – 0. There was no public comment on this item.
d. Discuss Environmental Review of Draft Ordinance No. 115, Clarifying Water Credit Rules and Setting Fees for Water Use Credit Documentation
On a motion by Director Pendergrass and second by Director Foy, the committee recommended that District staff proceed with preparation of an Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Draft Ordinance No. 115. The motion was approved on a vote of 2 – 1. Director Markey voted no, due to her concern over the definition of “site” in the ordinance. There was no public comment on this item.
Set Future Meeting Date
The committee agreed to meet on the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting was scheduled for April 13, 2004 at 1:30 PM.
Director Comments
Director Foy asked about the status of several issues mentioned in letters that had been transmitted to the Directors.
Future Agenda Items
Ms. Pintar reviewed items a through f that were listed on the agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM.