May 18, 2004             



Honorable John Laird

State Capitol, Room 2196

Sacramento, CA  95814




Dear Assemblymember Laird:


At its May 17, 2004 meeting, the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD), a special district serving the needs of over 100,000 residents of the Monterey Peninsula, voted unanimously [confirm] to support your bill, Assembly Bill 2918.   AB 2918 would allow the California Public Utilities Commission to consider a lower rate for electricity for desalination plants operated by a public agency or regulated utility.


The MPWMD is seriously exploring desalination as a means to provide a reliable and adequate water supply for the Monterey Peninsula as well as offset current pumping from the Carmel River, which harms threatened species and habitat.  Unfortunately, desalination is a very expensive technology due to the large amount of power needed.  Local water bills could more than double, and we already pay one of the highest water rates in California.  Because electrical costs account for roughly 40% of desalination operating costs, the District very much appreciates your efforts to help reduce the cost of desalination. 


Due to a State Order requiring pursuit of alternative supplies to use of the over-pumped Carmel River, desalination is one of the few options available to meet the critical water needs of our community.  AB 2918 will help make desalination available at a more reasonable cost.  The District urges your colleagues to support AB 2918, and we again thank you for your efforts to help address the critical water issues that face the Monterey Peninsula.





Alvin Edwards



Cc:            MPWMD Board of Directors





revised 5/5/04