1. The May-September period
refers to the remainder of the current water year.
2. Carryover storage refers to
the volume of usable surface and ground water that is in storage at the end
of the current water year and is projected to be available for use at the
beginning of the following water year.
3. Total storage refers to the
combination of demand remaining from May 1 to the end of the current water
year and carryover storage for the next water year that is required to
avoid imposing various levels of water rationing. The values in bold type represent the storage triggers that would be used for the
system in Water Year 2004. The
values are based on the current production limit for Cal-Am set by the
State Water Resources Control Board in Order No. WR 95-10, and the
production that was reported for non Cal-Am users from the Monterey
Peninsula Water Resources System in Water Year 2003.
4. The rationing triggers are
based on physical water availability and do not account for legal or
environmental constraints on diversions from the Carmel River system.