RESOLUTION  # 2004 - __





Legislature Created MPWMD for Integrated Management of Water Resources


WHEREAS, the California Legislature found in Water Code Appendix, Section 118-2 that “the water problems of the Monterey Peninsula area require integrated management of ground and surface water supplies, for control and conservation of storm and wastewater, and for promotion of reuse and reclamation of wastewater;” and 


WHEREAS, the California Legislature declared in Water Code Appendix, Section 118-2 that,  “In this region of primarily scenic, cultural, and recreational resources, which are particularly sensitive to the threat of environmental degradation, such need cannot be effectively met on a piecemeal basis;” and 


WHEREAS, the California Legislature declared in Water Code Appendix, Section 118-2 that, “It is hereby declared that a general law cannot be made applicable to such area, and that the enactment of this special law is necessary for the public welfare and for the protection of the environmental quality and the health and property of the residents therein;” and


WHEREAS, the California Legislature created the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) to serve as the regional water resources manager; and


WHEREAS, the voters of the Monterey Peninsula ratified powers and functions for the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) election held in June, 1978; and


WHEREAS, under the State District Reorganization Act, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Monterey County may amend a special district’s boundaries.  The ability of LAFCO to amend MPWMD boundaries is included in Section 118-851 of the MPWMD Enabling Legislation (West's Water Code – Appendix, Statutes of 1977, chapter 527); and 


Petition to Detach Thwarts Intent of Legislature


WHEREAS, on March 23, 2004, the District received a LAFCO notice (File No. 04-02) along with a document and exhibits titled, Petition to Initiate Proceedings under the Cortese-Knoz-Hertzberg Act of 2000 for Detachment of Tehama and Monterra Subdivisions from the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (referred to herein as the “Petition”); and


WHEREAS, the Petition requests that LAFCO approve detachment of the Tehama and Monterra Subdivision areas from the District, thereby removing these areas and the water distribution systems that serve them from District regulation; and   


WHEREAS, the Petition is in direct conflict with the findings and declarations made by the California State Legislature (Water Code-Appendix 118-2); and


WHEREAS, approval of the Petition is a dangerous precedent that would eviscerate the integrated management structure created by the Legislature, and as a consequence would threaten public welfare, environmental quality and the health and property of the residents of the Monterey Peninsula; and 


WHEREAS, approval of the detachment petition would result in piecemeal management of ground and surface water resources, interconnected water distribution systems, water rights settlement agreements, the Carmel River corridor, endangered and threatened riparian species, and regional water conservation and rationing responses; and 


WHEREAS, the District in letters to LAFCO dated March 31, 2004 and April 30, 2004, has identified misinformation and incomplete evaluations contained in the Petition; communicated concerns about the Petition, and provided documentation supporting those concerns; and responded to an April 19, 2004 letter by the Petitioners; and


Subdivisions Are Not Served by Distinct and Independent Water Source


WHEREAS, the Petition inaccurately states the Subdivisions are served by a “distinct and independent source,” which is not true for the Carmel Valley Alluvial Aquifer, a major source of potable supply for the Tehama Subdivision via the Cañada Woods Water Distribution System (WDS); and


WHEREAS, a complex web of interconnected water pipelines and water sources of various types (potable, non-potable) exists between the Cañada Woods and Monterra water distribution systems, which serve the Tehama/Monterra Subdivisions, enabling transfer of Carmel River water to areas outside of Carmel Valley; and


WHEREAS, the Petition fails to demonstrate that the legal status of the Subdivisions’ water supply is distinct and independent; and


WHEREAS, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Decision 02-04-006 dated April 12, 2002 approved a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the Cañada Woods Water Company to serve the Tehama/Monterra area, including the requirement for the applicant (Petitioner) to maintain the agreements with California-American Water Company (Cal-Am) set forth in Exhibit M of the Cañada Woods Water Company’s application to the CPUC; these include signed agreements for an emergency interconnection between the Monterra Ranch system and the main Cal-Am system that serves the broader Monterey Peninsula community, as well as agreements for Cal-Am to operate and manage, and potentially own, the Cañada Woods water system;

WHEREAS, the physical and legal interconnections between the Subdivision water systems and the Cal-Am system that serves the broader community could lead to additional extractions from and impacts to the Carmel River; and

Impact to Other Agencies Is Not Analyzed


WHEREAS, assertions of duplication and inefficiency are made in the Petition, but no evidence or analysis, besides a listing of ordinances, is presented from representatives of other agencies that would be directly affected by the requested detachment; and


WHEREAS, the Petition contains no statements from other agencies are provided on their current level of enforcement, how much they depend on the District to carry out certain regulatory activities, and whether these agencies are able to allocate staff time and resources to perform current District regulatory duties if the Cañada Woods WDS and Monterra WDS that currently serve the Tehama/Monterra Subdivisions were no longer regulated by MPWMD; and  


WHEREAS, the Petition contains no information about current agreements between MPWMD and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency regarding allocation of resources and responsibilities in areas where jurisdictions overlap; and 


SWRCB Water Rights Permits Require Compliance with MPWMD Laws


WHEREAS, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) water rights Permits 20831 and 20832 for Carmel River diversions for the Cañada Woods WDS to serve the Tehama Subdivision (Condition No. 8) state, “Permittee shall remain subject to all lawful ordinances of MPWMD;” and


WHEREAS, SWRCB water rights Permits 20831 and 20832 for the Carmel River diversions for the Cañada Woods WDS to serve the Tehama Subdivision (Condition No. 8) state, “Permittee shall be subject to the rationing requirements of MPWMD, in frequency and percentage no greater than required of consumers in Cal-Am’s water distribution system in times of water supply shortage caused by drought;” and


WHEREAS, if the Tehama/Monterra Subdivisions are no longer within the regulatory authority of MPWMD, un-rationed use of Carmel River water could occur while the rest of the community is on mandatory rationing; and  


WHEREAS, the SWRCB water rights Permits 20831 and 20832 for the Carmel River diversions for the Cañada Woods WDS to serve the Tehama Subdivision clearly acknowledge the interrelationship between diversions to serve the Tehama Subdivision and other diversions from the Carmel River, and recognizes the MPWMD Mitigation Program as a principal means to address the environmental impacts of Carmel River diversions; and  


WHEREAS, the SWRCB water rights Permits 20831 and 20832 for the Carmel River diversions for the Cañada Woods WDS to serve the Tehama Subdivision were based, in part, on signed stipulations (legal agreements) between Tehama and MPWMD; and 

Impact to Other Systems Is Not Assessed


WHEREAS, the Petition does not provide information to demonstrate whether or not surrounding water systems or wells would be affected by pumping of wells in the Tehama/Monterra Subdivision area; and 


Significant Impact to MPWMD Riparian Program and Other Regulations


WHEREAS, the Tehama/Monterra service area derives a significant quantity of water from parcels immediately adjacent to the Carmel River (the riparian corridor), and could have an adverse environmental effect on the riparian corridor; and


WHEREAS, the Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) prepared for the Tehama/Monterra Subdivisions were prepared prior to listing of the California red-legged frog and Central Coast steelhead as federally threatened species; and 


WHEREAS, no other agency besides MPWMD actively manages or has responsibility to manage the riparian corridor as an integrated whole as described in the MPWMD Mitigation Program and in the California Water Code Appendix Section 118-2; and


WHEREAS, the District currently regulates the lower 14 miles of the Carmel River riparian corridor (Camp Steffani to the river mouth), and detachment of the Tehama system from the District would fragment the desired integrated management of the riparian corridor, and create a piecemealed regulatory setting, thwarting the intent of the Legislature; and 


WHEREAS, removal of a significant portion of the lower Carmel River watershed from MPWMD’s regulatory authority would adversely affect MPWMD’s ability to carry out its State mandate of integrated management of the Carmel River Basin; and  


WHEREAS, detachment could compromise the District’s regulatory authority regarding importation and/or exportation of water to and from the District; and

CEQA Review Is Needed Prior to LAFCO Decision


WHEREAS, approval of the Petition could result in adverse environmental effects to the Carmel River riparian corridor, and environmental review by LAFCO in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is needed, including a comprehensive assessment of all related detachment proceedings (cumulative effects and piecemeal issues).


Petition Seeks to Avoid Reasonable Regulation


WHEREAS, the Petition does not disclose that the Cañada Woods WDS, which currently serves the Tehama area) is currently not in compliance with the MPWMD permit conditions of approval for Permit M03-01 approved on July 21, 2003; and  


WHEREAS, the intent of the Petition appears to be to avoid reasonable regulation shared by all other citizens and water systems within the community, even though the Subdivisions draw from a highly vulnerable public resource shared by over 100,000 people; and  


WHEREAS, the Tehama/Monterra Subdivision water systems are regulated like all other similar water distribution systems within the District, and should not be afforded special treatment; and


Detachment Sets Dangerous Precedent


WHEREAS, approval of the Petition would set a dangerous precedent that thwarts the intent of the Legislature to have a special district focused on integrated (non-piecemeal) management of the water resources serving the Monterey Peninsula.


WHEREAS, piecemealed management is not adequate or acceptable, especially in relation to the Carmel River; and due to inadequacies of general law, a special agency (MPWMD) is needed to protect the public interest and sensitive environment resources of the Monterey Peninsula.





1.               OPPOSITION TO TEHAMA/MONTERRA DETACHMENT.  The Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District opposes approval of a Petition to detach the Tehama/Monterra Subdivision areas and associated water systems from the MPWMD (LAFCO File No. 04-02). 


2.               OPPOSITION TO CHANGES TO MPWMD BOUNDARIES.  The Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District opposes any other Petition or action that attempts to modify the boundaries of the District so as to avoid the integrated (non-piecemeal) management of local water resources declared necessary by the State Legislature. 


3.               OPPOSITION TO PIECEMEAL MANAGEMENT OF WATER RESOURCES.  The Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District opposes any Petition or action that would result in piecemeal management of vital water resources and would thwart integrated management of such resources for the benefit of the public and the environment. Such piecemeal management would threaten public welfare, environmental quality and the health and property of the residents of the Monterey Peninsula.


4.               AUTHORIZATION TO BOARD CHAIR, DISTRICT STAFF AND DISTRICT COUNSEL TO OPPOSE TEHAMA/MONTERRA DETACHMENT PETITION AND RELATED ACTION.  The Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District authorizes the Chair or his designee, District staff, and District Counsel to take appropriate action in opposition to the Petition to Detach Tehama/Monterra from MPWMD (LAFCO File No. 04-02), or any other action, in furtherance of this Resolution.  This action may include, but shall not be limited to attending, making presentations, and providing testimony to LAFCO under the procedures contained in the State District Reorganization Act; communicating with any other individual associated with LAFCO; or communicating with any other individual or organization in relation to the Tehama/Monterra detachment or similar action, including environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act.


PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, Monterey County, California, at a meeting duly held on June 21, 2004, by the following vote:



AYES:                 Directors:

NOES:                 Directors:

ABSENT:            Directors:





____________________________            ___________________________

Board Chair                                                Board Secretary





