TO:      Office of Planning and Research     FROM:  Monterey Peninsula Water Mgt. Dist.

1400 Tenth Street, Room 121                            PO Box 85

Sacramento, CA 95814                          Monterey, CA 93942-0085


_XX_ County Clerk--County of Monterey

240 Church Street, PO Box 29

Salinas, CA 93902


Project Title:  Application to Create Flagg Hill Water Distribution System


Project Location -- Specific: 103 Flagg Hill Road, APNs 101-091-18/19/20


Project Location -- City: Monterey                               County: Monterey   


Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: Approval of application enables use of an existing water well to serve three legal, vacant residential parcels of approximately one acre each (3.3 acres total) for domestic uses and associated landscaping/irrigation, in compliance Monterey City zoning ordinances. Water well has been approved by Monterey County Health Department and has complied with MPWMD registration and metering requirements.  Beneficiary is the applicant.


Name of Public Agency Approving Project:  Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project:  Applicant, John Jepson


Exempt Status: (check one)

_____ Ministerial (Sec. 15073)

_____ Declared Emergency (Sec. 15269 (a))

_____ Emergency Project (Sec. 15269 (b) and (c))

__X_ Categorical Exemption.  Class 3, Section 15303. “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.”


Reason(s) Why Project Is Exempt:  Approval of application allows construction of water system to serve and enable construction of three residences, each on an existing legal lot of record.  The Flagg Hill WDS would be appurtenant to allowed uses (residences) on existing approved parcels, which were created as the result of CEQA review (EIR on Flagg Hill Subdivision, certified by City of Monterey, June 2, 1981, Resolution No. 14,387 CS) in compliance with Monterey City zoning ordinances.


Agency Contact Person            Area Code       Telephone                    Extension

Henrietta Stern                          831                   658-5621                           n/a 



_____________________________                                            ____________________

William A. Berger, General Manager                                                       Date


