Team Safety Meeting

July 1, 2004


-  The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm in the district Conference Room  -



MEMBERS PRESENT: Thomas Christensen, Rick Dickhaut, Darby Fuerst, Debbie Martin,

                                    Cynthia Schmidlin





I.                     TOPICS OF DISCUSSION 


A.     OLD BUSINESS         


1.       Final drafts of the updated IIPP:  Cynthia reported that she will need to reformat the revised IIPP from Word Perfect into Word to avoid the organization and spacing of entire pages being thrown off when the document is printed out.  This is a problem that has been encountered with other large documents originated in Word Perfect and revised multiple times.  The reformatted document will be reviewed at the next Team Safety Meeting


2.       First Aid/CPR Training:  Almost all staff members received training First Aid/CPR training in May, presented by the American Red Cross.  This training earned them recertification for 3 years in First Aid, and 1 year in CPR.  The CPR training included instruction on use of Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) machines. This training makes it possible to provide life-saving assistance to both District staff and members of the public in the period of time before Emergency Aid workers can respond in a crisis situation.  Following Red Cross recommendations, the District purchased a Zoll AED machine.  It has been placed it in the Conference Room Storage for use in an emergency.


3.       Monthly Safety Training:  The District began monthly safety training at Staff Meetings in April, as recommended by SDRMA Safety Consultant Jim Emerson during his Safety Audit. Subjects covered in these “tailgate” meetings have included “Safety Attitudes”, “Slip, Trips, and Falls” and training on the operation of the newly purchased Zoll Automatic Electric Defibrillator.




1.       Use of District Offices for Board Meetings:  The Board is presently meeting at the City of Monterey for regular Board Meetings.  However, some meetings have been held in the District Conference Room. Staff is considering the viability of modification of the facilities for that purpose in the future.  Team Safety discussed the need for safety standards to be determined for both the Conference Room and the lobby area in terms of room capacity, ADA requirements, and signage. Cynthia will check with the Fire Department for guidance.


II.                   NEXT TEAM SAFETY MEETING

            The next Team Safety Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 3:00 pm.

