Committee of the
Peninsula Water Management District
Call to Order
The meeting was called to
order at 8:17 AM in the District Conference Room.
Committee members present: Alvin Edwards
Judi Lehman
Michelle Knight
Staff members present: David Berger
Inder Osahan
Stephanie Pintar
Joe Oliver
Sara Reyes
Oral Communications Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter
not listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications. Public comment on any other matter listed on
the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the
No public comment was received.
Items on Board Agenda for August 16, 2004
Consider Authorization to
Purchase a Server for the Water Demand Division
After some discussion, the committee recommended approval 3 to 0.
Consider Authorization to Use Conservation Contingency to
Fund Temporary Employee in Water Demand Division Resulting from Workload
Impacts of Proposed California-American Water Moratorium
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager, reported that the
need for assistance from a temporary employee has increased due to the proposed
Cal-Am water moratorium and the resignation of a Conservation Representative,
effective August 9, 2004. During the
recruiting period for the vacant position in the Water Demand Division,
additional funds will be available to allow for additional hours worked for the
temporary employee. After some
discussion, the committee requested the staff report for the August 16, 2004
meeting be modified to reflect the new hours desired for the temporary employee
as well as a not-to exceed amount for this expenditure. The committee agreed on the changes and
recommended approval 3 to 0.
Consider Extension of United
States Geological Survey Cooperative Agreement for Water Year 2005
After some discussion, the committee recommended approval 3 to 0.
Consider Approval of Fourth
Quarter Investment Report
After some discussion, the committee recommended approval 3 to 0.
Semi-Annual Financial Report
on the CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project
This item was presented as information to the committee. No formal action was taken.
Other Business
of General Manager to Use District Vehicle in Accordance with Section III C of
Employment Agreement
The committee voted 3 to 0 to add this item to the August 5, 2004
Administrative Committee meeting for action.
After some discussion, the committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend approval.
Review Draft
August 16, 2004 Board Meeting Agenda
Chair Edwards requested to add the following item as an Action Item to
the August 16, 2004 agenda, Provide Direction on a Proposed Memorandum of
Understanding with the Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District for
Investigations into Development of a Desalination Project in Moss Landing. Director Edwards requested that a Special
Administrative Committee meeting be scheduled for August 16, 2004 at 6:30 PM to
review and discuss the proposed MOU.
General Manager Berger will speak with District Counsel to determine if
this matter can be discussed in an open or closed session meeting of the
Administrative Committee.
Director Comments/Future Items
Schedule September 2004 Administrative Committee Meeting
The next Administrative Committee meeting was scheduled for September 14,
2004 at 8:15 in the District Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 AM.