1. Under SWRCB Order No. WR 95-10, Cal-Am is limited to 11,285
acre-feet of diversions from the Carmel River Basin.
2. Under the current MPWMD water supply budget, Cal-Am is limited to 4,000 acre-feet of diversions from the
coastal subareas of the Seaside Ground Water Basin. This level of
diversions is consistent with SWRCB Order No. WR 95-10, which directed
Cal-Am to maximize its production from the Seaside Basin within the
estimated long-term yield of the basin.
3. District-wide, Cal-Am's main system is limited to 15,285
acre-feet of diversions.
4. Carmel River diversions are reduced for diversions that are injected
into the Seaside Ground Water Basin.
During WY 2004,
160 acre-feet were diverted from the Carmel River Basin for injection
into the Seaside Ground Water Basin.