2. |
Date: |
September 20, 2004 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David A.
Berger, |
Program/ |
N/A |
Manager |
Line Item No.: |
By: |
Joe Oliver |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: |
N/A |
Committee Recommendation: |
N/A |
CEQA Compliance: |
N/A |
SUMMARY: As a condition of approval for creation of the Monterra Ranch Mutual Water Company (MRMWC) water distribution system, a comprehensive water monitoring program report is required to be submitted each year, subject to review and approval by the District Board. The location of the MRMWC Service Area is shown in Exhibit 2-A. Accordingly, the MRMWC Annual Water Monitoring Program Report for Water Year (WY) 2003 has been received and reviewed by District staff. The WY 2003 report has been distributed under separate cover to the Board, and is available for review at the District office. The report was presented to the Board at its June 21, 2004 meeting, at which time the item was continued to a future meeting to allow time for clarification on several report items. Accordingly, District staff prepared a letter detailing these items as shown in Exhibit 2-B, and MRMWC’s hydrologist provided a response letter, as shown in Exhibit 2-C.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the MRMWC Annual Water Monitoring Program Report for WY 2003 be accepted as fulfilling the requirements of the MRMWC WDS permit conditions. The report will be accepted with adoption of the Consent Calendar. As described in the MRMWC response letter (Exhibit 2-C), additional graphics will be provided in future annual monitoring reports to provide requested clarification of the monitoring data collected.
BACKGROUND: The Water Distribution System (WDS) permit to create the MRMWC was originally approved by the District Board on February 26, 1990, and conditions have been amended on several occasions since that time at the request of the system owners. The current MRMWC WDS permit approval is for a system capacity (production limit) of 203.1 acre-feet per year (AF/yr), and an expansion capacity limit (number of authorized connections) of 286 connections. The water supply for the subdivision is from individual wells on the Monterra Ranch property, which are drilled and completed in the fractured shales of the Monterey Formation. Because the raw water produced from the active supply wells does not meet all State Title 22 drinking water standards, the water is treated for removal of excess dissolved solids at an onsite reverse-osmosis (RO) water treatment plant, prior to delivery to the potable water distribution system.
2-A Map showing Monterra Ranch Mutual Water Company (MRMWC) Service Area
2-B July 8, 2004 MPWMD letter
2-C August 18, 2004 Questa Engineering Corp. letter
Revised 9/8/2004