


October 7, 2004


Henrietta Stern, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Jennifer Ames; Rich Beyak


Mike Rushton, Principal


Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project Scope of Work


Dear Henrietta:

Jones & Stokes is pleased to submit a scope of work, cost estimate and schedule to complete an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District’s (MPWMD) Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project (ASR).  It is our understanding that this EIR would satisfy the CEQA compliance requirements for both near-term and long-term ASR projects overlying the Seaside Groundwater Basin.  The near-term project would be analyzed at a project level of detail (construction of a second well at the Santa Margarita well site, operation of the well couplet, and diversion of water from the Carmel River for the long-term ASR project); the long-term project would include construction of an additional 2 well couplets on former Fort Ord lands and other related facilities, and would be evaluated at a program level of detail.

This scope, cost and schedule have been developed to reflect guidance provided by you through phone conversations and e-mails on October 4th and 6th, 2004.  At your request, we have not included engineering support through a subcontractor for development of project description details; we have assumed that MPWMD staff would provide Jones & Stokes with the necessary detailed description of the proposed near-term project and a general description of long-term project elements.  We also have assumed that project alternatives will be developed conceptually in cooperation with MPWMD, but that MPWMD will supply the alternatives descriptions for inclusion in the EIR.  The Carmel River diversion effects on hydrology and fisheries, and the injection/extraction effects on the Seaside Groundwater Basin will also be developed by MPWMD staff.

Our schedule has been developed to complete the EIR process in an expeditious fashion.  Because your staff will play a major role in document development, we have included several assumptions about receipt of technical information from MPWMD.  We believe that the time increments are appropriate and can be met with a cooperative effort.  Our working relationship with you and your staff has proven to be exceptional, and I believe this will be a factor in completing the necessary CEQA work on schedule and within budget.

If you have concerns about our budget and allocation of staff and time to this project, we are willing to meet to discuss adjustments to better meet MPWMD’s needs.  The project management and technical staff are capable of completing high-quality environmental assessment documents and supporting public involvement efforts.  We have developed the budget with the knowledge that the residents within MPWMD’s boundaries are very active participants in the CEQA process and will need to be heard and kept informed throughout our efforts. 

We realize that this project is an important part of MPWMD’s program to improve water resource management in both the Carmel River and Seaside Basins.  Jones & Stokes appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal and looks forward to continuing our participation in MPWMD’s water supply initiatives.

If you have any questions about our scope, cost or schedule, please call me at your convenience.  We look forward to discussing the ASR project with you in more detail following action by your Board of Directors.

Attachments:  ASR scope of work, cost estimate and schedule


Downloaded from JSA e-mail 10/07/04