TO: County Clerk, County of Monterey FROM: Monterey Penins. Water Mgt. Dst.
240 Church Street, PO Box 29 PO Box 85
Salinas, CA 93902 Monterey, CA 93942-0085
Project Title: Application to Amend Cal-Am Water Distribution System to Annex
Sullivan Parcel
Project Location -- Specific: 32825 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley, APN 197-081-024
Project Location -- City: Carmel Valley (unincorporated) County: Monterey
Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: Approval of application enables annexation of Sullivan parcel into California American Water (Cal-Am) water distribution system (WDS) to properly issue a water connection permit and set a Cal-Am water meter for a home that has used Cal-Am water since 1982 without benefit of an authorized water meter. Beneficiary is the applicant, as well as the community and environment, as setting a proper meter enables trucking, regulation and restriction of water use like all other Cal-Am customers.
Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: California American Water; Godfrey Sullivan
Exempt Status: (check one)
_____ Ministerial (Sec. 15073)
_____ Declared Emergency (Sec. 15269 (a))
_____ Emergency Project (Sec. 15269 (b) and (c))
X Categorical Exemption. Class 1, Section 15301. Existing Facilities.
Reason(s) Why Project Is Exempt: Approval of application properly permits and regulates established use of Cal-Am water system by a previously permitted single-family residence as allowed by Monterey County Planning & Building Inspection Dept. in 1982.
Agency Contact Person Area Code Telephone Extension
Henrietta Stern 831 658-5621 n/a
________________________________ ____________________
David A. Berger Date
MPWMD General Manager