Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Budget Service Program Categories and Performance Measures
January 19, 2005 Budget Workshop
General and Administrative
- Ensure that all citizen/customer inquiries and other
letters to District staff that require a response receive an
initial written acknowledgement within 48 hours; and that a full response
is normally provided within two weeks
- Ensure completion of draft
minutes of each regular Board of Directors meeting and submit
same with the subsequent regular Board meeting agenda packet,
and submit draft Committee meeting minutes with next Committee
meeting agenda packet
- Ensure that each Board
of Directors meeting packet is delivered to Directors by the
Wednesday preceding each regular Monday Board meeting, and
that special Board meetings packets are delivered not less
than five days prior to the meeting
Budgeting and Financial
- Complete all financial reports and accounting
functions within the identified target deadlines
- Complete all financial reports an accounting
functions without subsequent corrections
- Ensure compliance with audit requirements as
evidenced by no significant audit findings
- Ensure invoices are paid in a timely manner to
maintain good relations with suppliers and the public
- Maintain efficiency and responsiveness of the
recruitment process to insure timely staffing of vacant positions
- Ensure employee development and timely performance
- Provide timely responses to employee requests for
Risk Management and Safety
- Maintain appropriate insurance levels to minimize
exposure to loss
- Ensure employees receive and attend training for all
mandatory courses on time
- Monitor workplace safety through measurement of
workdays lost to injury and illness
Support Services
- Ensure distribution of incoming and outgoing mail on
a daily basis
- Complete preparation of all Board and Committee
packets for timely distribution by established deadlines
- Ensure daily maintenance of District files for use by
the public, staff, legal counsel and the Board
Information Technology
- Ensure effective support of computer hardware and
software within four hours of requests during working hours
- Maintain secure and reliable electronic environments
at all times
- Ensure full backup of all District computer records
and data on a daily basis
Environmental Protection
- Rescue steelhead from the drying Carmel River;
transfer fish to Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility, and keep them
until released with a goal of no more than (TBD)% mortality
- Monitor health of riparian vegetation and irrigate as
necessary to assure a minimum of 90% survival
- Monitor lagoon wetlands vegetation transects and
bathymetric survey cross-sections with a goal of 100% annual coverage
Water Supply
- Complete draft EIR on long-term Aquifer Storage &
Recovery Project by (date)
- Report to the State Water Resources Control Board
(SWRCB) on water year 2005 Carmel
River diversions no
later than September 1, 2005, as per SWRCB permit
- Collect streamflow data at (TBD) gages in the Carmel River watershed
- Measure groundwater levels in (TBD) wells within the
Water Resources Management
- Participate in all meetings and develop the
Memorandum of Understanding among Cal-Am, the California Department of
Fish & Game and the District by (date) each year
- Conduct all required meeting and report timeline
elements for Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan preparation by
- Prepare testimony and participate in PUC rate cases within
required timelines
Water Use & Permitting
- Process all applications within the time limits set
by the Permit Streamlining Act
- Collect and report well and water distribution system
water use records within (TBD) months of the end of the reporting year
- Tabulate permit water use totals for each
jurisdiction’s allocations and entitlements on a monthly basis
Water Conservation
- Inspect 90% of properties transferring ownership
(that have not been previously inspected in the past five years) for
compliance with District conservation laws
- Data related to conservation and permit final
inspections shall be entered with 100% accuracy
- Estimated water savings resulting from the District’s
retrofit and rebate programs shall be tabulated and maintained monthly
- The quantity of reclaimed water produced and used by
the Reclamation Project shall be tracked monthly and maintained in an
electronic file
- Attend 100% of the Water Awareness Committee meetings