(Application #­­20041001CWW)



Applicant: Cañada Woods Water Company


Adopted by MPWMD Board of Directors on   February 24, 2005

Pursuant to MPWMD Rule 22-D


Permitted System


1.     The service area of the Cañada Woods Water Company Non-Potable and Reclaimed Water Distribution System (CWWCNPRWDS) is hereby defined as the area included in Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) listed in Attachment 1.  The boundary of the service area is shown in Attachment 2.


2.               The Permittee is authorized by the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) under this Permit to store reclaimed water for non-potable uses, including golf course and landscape use, in the CWWNPRCWDS service area identified in Condition #1.


3.     The facility included in the CWWCNPRWDS is the wet weather season reclaimed water storage pond known as Pond #3 located in APN 259-092-037 .  Construction of this storage pond was completed in November 2004, and its storage capacity is 3.3 million gallons.


4.               There is no system capacity (production) limit for the CWWCNPRWDS.  


There is no expansion capacity (connection) limit for the CWWCNPRWDS.


5.     Non-potable and reclaimed water facilities located within the CWWCNPRWDS service area that are considered pre-existing in accordance with MPWMD Rule 20 are listed in  Attachment 3.  Also listed in Attachment 3 are total annual quantities of historical and projected water uses of non-potable and reclaimed water within the CWWCNPRWDS service area.  These facilities and water uses are not subject to regulation by this Permit.


Mandatory Conditions of Approval (MPWMD Rule 22-D)   (Certain conditions listed in Rule 22-D do not apply to this permit and are not included here.)


6.         The Permittee shall execute an indemnification agreement that holds MPWMD harmless and promises to defend MPWMD from any claims, demands, or expenses of any nature or kind arising from or in any way related to the adequacy of the water supply for the CWWCNPRWDS.  This indemnification agreement must be executed before Permit is valid.


7.         The Permittee shall comply with all pertinent MPWMD water conservation rules and regulations.  All water use for agricultural, open space, and landscaping purposes shall adhere to prudent water conservation practices which:


(a)   promote, when possible, irrigation during the lowest evapotranspirative times of the day, i.e. before 9:00 AM and after 5:00 PM;

(b)  minimize irrigation during high wind periods to reduce applied water losses;

(c)   maintain irrigation systems to minimize losses from leaks;

(d)  prevent indiscriminate or excessive water use; and

(e)   prevent use of water that is unproductive or runs to waste.


8.         Any intensification or expansion within the CWWCNPRWDS (new system facilities, source of supply, expansion of service area boundaries, changed conditions regarding water service by other entities, or other changes described in MPWMD Rule 22-E) shall first require approval of an amendment to this Permit.


9.         No intertie with any other water system shall be allowed under this Permit.  The CWWCNPRWDS may temporarily receive trucked-in water in an emergency, system failure or similar short-term critical event.  Use of trucked-in water shall be governed by MPWMD Rules.


10.       The fees for this permit shall be included as part of the fees for Permit #M05-01 for the Cañada Woods Water Company Water Distribution System.  This Permit is not valid until payment for the invoiced amount is received by MPWMD.


11.            The Permittee shall sign a form titled “Acceptance of Permit Conditions for CWWCNPRWDS Permit #M05-02.”  By signing the form, the Permittee acknowledges that he/she understands and accepts these conditions as a binding part of the permit approval, and agrees to carry them out faithfully. This Permit is not valid until the signed acceptance form has been received by MPWMD. 22.


12.            The Permit granted herein is subject to revocation in the event the Permittee does not fully comply with each and every condition set forth in this document.



Special Conditions for CWWCNPRWDS


13.       The Permittee has stated that High Well #2 shall become a replacement for High Well #1.  In order for this to occur, High Well #1 must be destroyed in accordance with MPWMD, Monterey County, and State of California regulations.  In order for this Permit to be valid, the Permittee must complete the following actions:  (a) apply to Monterey County for a permit to destroy High Well #1 not later than March 25, 2005; and (2) complete the well destruction process within 90 days of receiving a Monterey County well destruction permit.


14.       Reporting requirements for the CWWCNPRWDS are as follows:


The Permittee shall annually report monthly quantities of reclaimed wastewater produced by the wastewater reclamation plant located in APN 169-421-040.  This information shall be provided to MPWMD as part of the Annual Water Distribution System Monitoring Report required by Permit #M05-01 for the Cañada Woods Water Company Water Distribution System.


15.       Upon notice to the Permittee or its designated representative in writing or by telephone, the Permittee shall allow reasonable access to CWWCNPRWDS property by MPWMD or its designated representative to inspect water production facilities, water measuring devices, take readings from water measuring devices, and inspect the condition of vegetation within the portion of the Carmel River riparian corridor on Permittee’s property.


16.       The Permittee shall provide timely notice to MPWMD of any request, petition, application, amendment, motion and/or advice letter affecting the CWWCNPRWDS that the Permittee submits to Monterey County, the Monterey County Health Department, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Regional Water Control Board, and/or the California Public Utilities Commission.


17.       The Permittee shall provide timely notice to MPWMD of any change to CWWCNPRWDS ownership and any changes to the names of CWWCNPRWDS facilities.



Attachment 1    List of Assessors’ Parcel Numbers in Cañada Woods Water Company Non-Potable and Reclaimed Water Distribution System Service Area

Attachment 2    Map of Cañada Woods Water Company Non-Potable and Reclaimed Water Distribution System Service Area

Attachment 3    Pre-Existing Non-Potable and Reclaimed Water Facilities and Baseline Water Use within the Cañada Woods Water Company Non-Potable and Reclaimed Water Distribution System Service Area



