Carmel Valley Aquifer Sample Collection Date:  November 15 and November 18, 2004
Seaside Basin Sample Collection Date: November 8 and November 9, 2004
Units are milligrams per liter unless otherwise noted.
Water Quality Constituent   Specific Conductance (micromhos/cm) Total Alkalinity   (as CACO3) pH Chloride Sulfate Ammonia Nitrogen (as NH3) Nitrate Nitrogen (as NO3) Total Organic Carbon Calcium Sodium Magnesium Potassium Iron Manganese Orthophosphate Boron
Drinking Water Standard (1)   900 1600 2200 (2) NA NA 250 500 600 (2) 250 500 600 (2) NA 45 NA NA NA NA NA 0.3 0.05 NA NA
Sampling Location River Mile                            
Carmel Valley Aquifer
16S/1W-14Jh (shal) 0.07 6420 190 7.0 1835 395 0.18  <1 4.7 44 1118 102 50.1 3.752 0.139 0.15 0.54
16S/1W-14Jf (inter) 0.07 26000 154 6.8 8590 2089 0.45  <1 1.6 260 197 431 158 9.915 0.431 0.17 2.08
16S/1W-14Jg (deep) 0.07 2190 252 7.2 483 114 0.75  <1 3.0 92 256 65 8.0 0.322 0.401 0.14 0.31
16S/1W-13Mc (shal) 0.31 780 267 7.0 94 <0.5 3.51  <1 4.5 52 60 23 5.3 2.314 1.92 1.94 0.36
16S/1W-13Mb (inter) 0.31 800 208 7.1 76 102 0.52  <1 2.3 75 47 23 3.7 3.043 0.567 0.07 0.32
16S/1W-13Md (deep) 0.31 880 246 7.2 96 79 0.80  <1 2.2 73 66 23 4.0 0.436 0.409 0.08 0.44
16S/1W-13Lb (shal) 0.65 1360 282 7.1 140 247 0.57  <1 3.0 132 101 43 4.7 3.725 0.783 0.31 0.52
16S/1W-13La (inter) 0.65 880 220 7.3 84 111 1.03  <1 2.4 86 58 26 4.4 2.708 0.706 0.45 0.47
16S/1W-13Lc (deep) 0.65 880 200 7.2 83 127 0.69  <1 2.4 74 89 18 3.3 2.326 0.682 0.45 0.24
16S/1E-17J4 3.85 390 106 6.8 22 58 <0.05  <1 1.3 38 23 13 3.1 0.322 0.027  <0.03 0.39
16S/1E-17R2 3.86 1020 198 6.7 88 204 0.27  <1 4.0 109 75 24 3.7 5.998 0.253 0.49 0.46
16S/1E-23E4 6.53 1280 334 7.0 111 99 0.14  <1 2.6 124 99 29 2.5 3.631 0.874 0.1 0.35
16S/1E-23La 6.72 490 112 6.8 38 76 0.11  <1 1.1 41 29 14 3.4 1.856 0.233  <0.03 0.37
16S/1E-24N5 8.02 440 126 7.0 27 54 <0.05  <1 1.2 39 29 11 2.7 0.148 0.095  <0.03 0.34
Seaside Basin
15S/1E-15N3 (shal)   340 71 7.9 48 18 0.11  <1 <0.2 17 36 4 3.1  <0.05 <0.0005  <0.03 0.21
15S/1E-15N2 (deep)   1050 221 7.9 156 45 0.15  <1 0.50 73 106 15 4.4 0.110 0.072  <0.03 0.28
15S/1E-23Ca (shal) 990 248 8.3 127 51 <0.05  <1 1.50 85 90 18 4.2 0.556 0.185 0.35 0.18
15S/1E-23Cb (deep) 1300 298 8.2 178 107 0.45  <1 1.1 106 120 23 6.3 0.155 0.082  <0.03 0.38
15S/1E-15F1 (shal) 320 70 8.1 50 11 <0.05 5 <0.2 19 32 5 2.1 0.107 <0.0005  <0.03 0.29
15S/1E-15F2 (deep) 1020 266 7.9 158 44 0.10  <1 0.90 78 104 16 5.0 1.192 0.131 0.47 0.28
15S/1E-15K5 (shal) 370 89 7.7 56 13 <0.05  <1 2.50 27 40 7 2.7 4.071 0.213 0.44 0.15
15S/1E-15K4 (deep) 880 236 8.1 115 40 0.06  <1 0.70 60 93 12 4.1 0.812 0.124 0.13 0.28
15S/1E-11Pa (shal) 350 67 7.9 58 13 0.08  <1 0.20 21 33 4 3.4  <0.05 <0.0005  <0.03 0.24
15S/1E-11Pb (deep) 450 94 8.1 72 15 <0.05  <1 <0.2 25 50 3 3.3 0.100 <0.0005  <0.03 0.19
15S/1E-12Fa (shal) 370 75 7.9 57 17 0.06  <1 0.20 21 38 5 1.8 0.108 <0.0005  <0.03 0.39
15S/1E-12Fc (deep) 400 86 8.0 62 15 0.07  <1 0.50 23 40 6 2.4 0.573 0.139  <0.03 0.33
 (1)   Maximum contaminant levels are from California Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring Regulations, Title 22, 1977.
 (2)   The three values listed for certain constituents refer to the "recommended" level, the "upper" level, and "short-term use" level, respectively.
Additional NOTES: Joe edited this spreadsheet for staff note…find data management code for subsequent tables.
Change in sp. cond., sodium and chloride look scarey for 14Jf
Sodium really high, in 14Jh and 14Jf, although spec. cond. declined in both
Potassium and Orthophosphate higher in many wells relative to last year
PQL for Mn rose from 0.03 to 0.05 mg/l
PQL for Fe dropped from 0.1 to 0.05 mg/l (or were we just rounding off)
Sp. cond. In 23Ca is up from 798 mg/l in fall 2002.
14Jf Conductivity = 22,300 umhos
Full strength seawater (sw) ~50,000 umhos, sp 14Jf is ~45% sw
Comparing Mg and K to sw:
Full strength sw 45% sw Fall 2003 14J
Mg K Mg K Mg K
1350 380 602 169 502 129
So, based on the above, MG and K are NOT out of line for Fall 2003.
Something was wrong with the Fall 2002 analysis for Na and K, however.