TO:     County Clerk, County of Monterey                   FROM:     Monterey Penins. Water Mgt. Dst.

240 Church Street, PO Box 29                                           PO Box 85

Salinas, CA 93902                                                             Monterey, CA 93942-0085


Project Title:  Application to Create Bardis Water Distribution System (Revised per Appeal)


Project Location -- Specific: corner of Schulte and Carmel Valley Roads, Carmel Valley

 APN 169-181-051

Project Location -- City: Carmel Valley (unincorporated)    County: Monterey   


Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: Approval of application enables use of a new water well to serve one legal parcel of about 10 acres in size for potable (residential and associated landscaping) and non-potable (agricultural irrigation) uses, in compliance with Monterey County zoning ordinances and regulations.


Name of Public Agency Approving Project:  Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Christo D. Bardis  


Exempt Status: (check one)

_____ Ministerial (Sec. 15073)

_____ Declared Emergency (Sec. 15269 (a))

_____ Emergency Project (Sec. 15269 (b) and (c))

     X   Categorical Exemption.  Class 1, Section 15301, Existing Facilities; and Class 3, Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.


Reason(s) Why Project Is Exempt:  Approval of application allows use of well to facilitate continued long-term use of agricultural land (Section 15301), and construction of a home and associated landscaping as allowed by Monterey County in compliance with Monterey County zoning ordinances and regulations (Section 15303). 


Agency Contact Person         Area Code      Telephone                   Extension

Henrietta Stern                         831                  658-5621                          n/a 



________________________________                                ____________________

David A. Berger                                                           Date

            MPWMD General Manager     


