Monthly Cal-Am Diversions from Carmel River and Seaside Ground Water Basins: Water Year 2005  
  (All Values in Acre-Feet)  
  Water Year   Carmel River   Seaside Groundwater   System   Year-to-Date  
  2005   Basin   Basin   Total   Target Actual  
  Oct-04 716 431 1,147 1,379 1,147   -232
  Nov-04 736 202 938 2,492 2,085   -407
  Dec-04 636 301 937 3,476 3,022   -454
  Jan-05 844 26 870 4,434 3,892   -542
  Feb-05 804 0 804 5,328 4,696   -632
  Mar-05 0 6,375  
  Apr-05 0 7,584  
  May-05 0 8,989  
  Jun-05 0 10,516  
  Jul-05 0 12,144  
  Aug-05 0 13,793  
  Sep-05 0 15,285  
  Total    3,736   960   4,696        
  Source: California American Water  
Text Box: Notes:
1. Under SWRCB Order No. WR 95-10, Cal-Am is limited to 11,285 acre-feet of diversions from the Carmel River Basin. 
2. Under the current MPWMD water supply budget, Cal-Am is limited to 4,000  acre-feet of diversions from the coastal subareas of the Seaside Ground Water Basin. This level of diversions is consistent with SWRCB Order No. WR 95-10, which directed Cal-Am to maximize its production from the Seaside Basin within the estimated long-term yield of the basin.
3. District-wide, Cal-Am's main system is limited to 15,285 acre-feet of diversions.
4. Carmel River diversions are reduced for diversions that are injected into the Seaside Ground Water Basin.  During WY 2005,  
131 acre-feet of water have been diverted from the Carmel River Basin for injection into the Seaside Ground Water Basin.