Draft Minutes

Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

April 4, 2005, 8:30 AM



1.            Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:32 AM in the District Conference Room. 


Committee members present:                Alvin Edwards

Judi Lehman

                                                                                Kristi Markey


            Staff members present:                            Rick Dickhaut

                                                                    Andy Bell

                                                                    Sara Reyes


2.            Oral Communications Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter not listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications.  Public comment on any other matter listed on the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the committee.


No public comment was received.


3.             Items on Board Agenda for April 18, 2005


Consider Authorization of Funds to Contract with Ventana Wilderness Society for Carmel River Avian Habitat Monitoring


Andy Bell, District Engineer, reported on this item.  Mr. Bell reviewed the proposed scope of services and pointed out the proposed reduction in the scope of services included not conducting a protocol known as Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS).  This protocol includes the mist netting of birds at four key sites along the river to track avian population size and productivity.  The impact of not performing MAPS monitoring this year is that there will not be information on avian population size and productivity for 2005, however Mr. Bell indicated that this is not critical information needed by the District at this time.  After brief discussion, the committee recommended approval 3 to 0.


Adopt Treasurer’s Report for the Month of December 2004


Rick Dickhaut, Chief Financial Officer/Administrative Services Manager, reported on this item.  After some discussion, the committee recommended approval 3 to 0. 


Adopt Treasurer’s Report for the Month of January 2005


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item.  After some discussion, Director Lehman requested that staff include the most current invoice from District Counsel with their May Administrative Committee meeting packet.  The committee would like to review the invoices on a periodic basis to track any new cost savings to the District.  The committee recommended approval 3 to 0.


Report on Fiscal Year 2004-05 Financial Activity for the Six-Month Period Ending December 31, 2004

Rick Dickhaut reported on this item.  After discussion, the committee recommended approval 3 to 0.


4.            Other Business

Review Draft April 18, 2005 Board Meeting Agenda

After reviewing the agenda, the committee requested a Special Administrative Committee meeting be scheduled at 4:30 PM on April 18, 2005 to discuss Item 14 from the April 18, 2005 agenda, Consideration of Proposed Memorandum of Agreement with California American Water Regarding Management and Operation of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facilities.  Director Edwards also requested staff to determine if this item could be added to the Closed Session portion of the April 18 agenda.  No changes were made to the agenda.


5.            Director Comments/Future Items



6.            Adjournment 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 AM.                                                       


