Team Safety Meeting
March 4, 2005
- The meeting
was called to order at 3:10 pm in the 5 Harris Court Conference Room -
PRESENT: Thomas Christensen,
Darby Fuerst, Debby Martin, Cynthia Schmidlin
A. Annual
5 Harris Court Inspection: Team Safety performed inspections of the
District’s main office building.
The inspection rating
overall was satisfactory. Most office areas were neat and orderly, meeting all safety standards
and providing a professional environment. However, the following problem areas
were noted, according to inspection category:
1) General Work Sites are Neat and Orderly: One
hydrologist office had floor areas covered with his field equipment, blocking
access to file cabinets. Other offices
on the second floor are cluttered with papers and stacks of files, but walking
areas were clear and free of hazards.
Unused computer monitors and keyboards are being stored in some offices,
taking up space but not creating a safety hazard. Corridors/other walkways are clear.
Storage and Equipment Rooms are Neat and Orderly:
First Floor File Room
near Garage - Unused office machines and computer
equipment are stored on top of the file cabinets.
Planning and Engineering
File Room - Dozens of file folder boxes have been
stored there. Some are blocking cabinet
drawers. Others are stacked on top of
file cabinets.
Water Demand Storage
Room - A barbeque and other personal equipment
should be taken home. Boxes of shower
heads, hose nozzles, forms and publications now blocking the walkway should be
put on the storage shelves.
Garage - The floor has become cluttered with unused field office
plotter, a display case, a variety of
unused office machines and computer equipment, a toilet, and two filled trash
cans. File folder boxes and tubs of
equipment on top of cabinets or on the floor should be placed in the gorilla
rack storage area. Two ladders should be
secured in holders on far wall. Space around fuse box should be cleared of
tools to be stored in a wall rack.
Lighting and ventilation are adequate: The overhead light in the Water Demand Storage Room needs a
higher watt bulb.
Electrical cords are secured safely: Some cords in “computer lab” area of the Chief Technology
Officer’s office need to be secured to prevent tripping. The network line to
the printer in the Copy Room should be fastened down more securely.
Fire prevention equipment is recharged regularly and noted on
inspection tag: All fire extinguishers have been serviced
and are in operating order except the one in the elevator room.
Other: All tall bookcases have been secured to
the wall and some file cabinets attached to each other as part of earthquake
safety preparedness, however the process has not yet been completed for smaller
bookcases over 3 feet tall and other clustered file cabinets in offices and
storage areas. Storage shelves and cabinets in garage also have to be
secured. The two ladders stored in the
garage should be mounted to the far wall.
The principal safety issues at 5 Harris Court concern housekeeping issues in the garage and storage areas, as well as the completion of earthquake preparedness measures securing file cabinets, bookcases, and storage shelves. Unused office machinery and computer equipment should be accounted for and disposed of through District procedures.
Inspection Reports will be distributed to the appropriate Division Managers for review and remedial action.
The next Team Safety Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24th at
3:00 pm.
To: David Berger, General Manager
Rick Dickhaut,
Administrative Services Manager
Andy Bell, Planning and
Engineering Manager
Oliver, Water Resources Manager
Stephanie Pintar, Water
Demand Manager
From: Cynthia Schmidlin
Date: April 25, 2005
Re: Safety Inspection Report
On March 4, 2005 Team Safety performed its annual inspection of the 5 Harris Court Office Building. Attached is the inspection report. Please respond by the end of the day on May 2, 2005, regarding how the hazards described in the areas that fall within your responsibility have been eliminated, or how you plan to remedy them.
Responses to the report should be in formal memo format. They will be attached to the March 4, 2005 Team Safety Minutes, which describe the inspection report findings, and placed in the May 16, 2005 Board Packet. These minutes are due on May 3, 2005, hence the May 2nd due date for your response memos.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
DATE: May 3, 2005
TO: David Berger, General Manager
FROM: Andrew Bell, District Engineer
SUBJECT: Remedy of Deficiencies Noted in
April 25, 2005 Safety Inspection Reports
and Equipment Rooms – Planning and Engineering File Room
Safety inspections of certain District facilities were
conducted on March 4, 2005. The report
includes the following notation regarding a storage room adjacent to my office:
“Planning and Engineering
File Room – Dozens of file folder boxes have been stored there. Some are blocking cabinet drawers. Others are stacked on top of file cabinets.”
Most of the boxes of files noted in the Safety
Inspection Report are documents related to Planning and Engineering Division
functions, although some belong to the Water Resources Division. The Project Manager and I will schedule a
block of time not later than May 27, 2005 to do the following: (1) sort through these materials and dispose
of unnecessary documents; (2) organize and consolidate the remaining documents;
(3) identify, box, and label documents that may be stored in District Archives;
and (4) transport those documents to the District Archives.
It may be convenient to purchase and install bookcases or storage shelves that may be safely secured in the areas above the file cabinets in order to efficiently use those spaces. I will poll those staff members who store materials in the Planning and Engineering File Room to determine what will best meet our needs, and I will make a recommendation regarding whether to install additional bookcases or storage shelves.
To: David Berger, General Manager
From: Inder-Mohan S. Osahan, CTO
Date: May 2, 2005
Re: Safety Inspection Report (April 25, 2005) --- Computer Equipment.
As you requested, this memo addresses stored old computer/IT related equipment located at 5 Harris Court Building G, Monterey, CA 93940.
Team safety inspected the main office on March 4, 2005. The report indicated that computer equipment that has been found in the garage and in some offices needs to be disposed off or stored in a clean manner. Staff needs to move the equipment either to a storage facility, dispose it in an auction, recycle with waste management or be traded-in for some value towards the purchase of new equipment.
Below are the items related to IT equipment and suggestions for their disposal:
Item 1.9) Garage – The floor has
become cluttered with unused field office plotter – variety of unused office
machines and computer equipment.
a) The old plotter, color printer, HPIII
laserjet and some toner cartridges that belong to this equipment are being
stored in the garage to be used as a trade-in with Hewlett Packard (HP). Staff
is working with the HP trade division to determine if this equipment can be
traded. Due to current workload and projects, staff has not been able to finish
the trade-in program setup with HP. Once qualified as a trade, staff will get a
value for the above mentioned equipment and ship it back to HP. If the old
equipment does not qualify for the trade, staff will dispose it as per
district policy for equipment disposal and remove it from the assets and
inventory list for insurance and audit adjustments.
b) There are some old monitors that have lost
their clarity due to age, or need parts replaced. Staff has been saving these
to be used in a training room setup on-site or off-site. These monitors have a
zero life and also are listed on the assets and inventory list. Once determined
which monitors will be used at the training site, staff will dispose the
remaining as per district policy for equipment disposal and remove it from the
assets and inventory list for insurance and audit adjustments.
c) There is old equipment stored in storage
boxes, such as cables, peripherals, printer parts etc. Some of these parts can
be disposed off as they no longer can be used with the current IT
infrastructure. The parts that can be reused could be stored on a gorilla rack
or in a proper storage facility/area as determined by management. The parts
that are listed on the assets and inventory lists need to be removed for
Item 1.13) Some cords in
“computer-lab” area of the Chief Technology Officer’s office need to be secured
to prevent tripping. The network line to the printer in the Copy room should be
fastened down more securely.
Staff has
already taken care of the “computer-lab” area and has cleared up the cords that
were being used to test equipment. The area is now being used to house
production servers that support the districts current file system, backup
redundant server, video surveillance server, and database backup server. Due to
shortage of space in the computer room, these servers will continue to be
housed at this location. In addition, if these systems tend to create noise
that is not bearable in the office area, management will need to decide on a
different location to house these systems. The computer room is very small and
does not have proper cooling equipment to allow for all servers to be kept
there. Staff will continue to maintain
and keep this area clean.
New equipment
purchased is usually stored temporarily in the lab area in a clean manner until
the equipment is deployed.
c) Staff will redo the cable for the printer
connection in the Copy room so that the network cable runs through the ceiling
and not on the side of the walls. This will make it more secure and not be a
safety hazard in any way.
I hope that this memo addresses the concerns of Team Safety and provides some suggestions to dispose off or to store computer equipment in a safe and clean manner. If there is any other item that I may have overlooked, please let me know.
Staff will work towards getting the equipment stored properly and/or disposed off in a timely manner and provide a clean and safe IT environment to avoid any mishap.
interoffice memorandum
to: Team Safety
from: stephanie pintar, water demand
subject: safety inspection report
date: may 5, 2005
cc: water demand division
The following actions have
been taken by the Water Demand Division in response to the Safety Inspection
Report dated March 4, 2005:
The personal
equipment noted in 1.9 has been removed from the Water Demand Storage Room.
Boxes of
showerheads, hose nozzles, etc. referenced in 1.9 have been relocated within
the Water Demand Storage Room to eliminate encroachment into the walkway.
The low-energy
fluorescent light in the Water Demand Storage room should be replaced by the
appropriate maintenance person, not by Water Demand Division staff. An email requesting a change to a higher
wattage bulb has been sent to Support Services.
I believe they are the appropriate persons to take further action on
this item.
U:\demand\Work\Memos\Team Safety Response_May05_Pintar.doc
To: David Berger, General Manager
From: Rick Dickhaut, Administrative Services
Date: May 2, 2005
Re: Safety Inspection Report
The two items noted on the Team Safety Inspection Report that fall into my area of responsibility have been addressed as follows:
a) Lighting and Ventilation: The overhead light in the Water Demand Storage Room needs a higher watt bulb. The bulb will be replaced no later than May 13th.
b) Fire Prevention Equipment: All fire extinguishers have been serviced and are in operating order except the one in the elevator room. The fire extinguisher in the elevator room was overlooked during the annual servicing in November 2004. It will be recharged and inspected no later than May 30th.
To: David Berger, General Manager
Rick Dickhaut,
Administrative Services Manager
From: Cynthia Schmidlin
Date: April 25, 2005
Re: Safety Inspection Report
The second phase of Earthquake Security Preparedness has been completed. This included the securing of the following;
a) Smaller bookcases and file cabinets over 3 feet tall in offices and storage areas.
b) Storage shelves and racks in the garage.
c) Clustered file cabinets in office and storage areas.
File cabinets and bookcases were bolted to the wall and/or banded together, as were storage shelves. Additionally, two ladders in the garage were mounted on the wall for safe storage.