Committee of the
Peninsula Water Management District
meeting was called to order at 8:32 AM in the District Conference Room.
Committee members present: Judi Lehman
Kristi Markey
David Pendergrass
Staff members present: David Berger
Rick Dickhaut
Stephanie Pintar
Inder Osahan
David Dettman
Sara Reyes
Oral Communications Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter
not listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications. Public comment on any other matter listed on
the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the
No public comment was received.
Review Administrative Committee Scope of Responsibility
Adopted on March 10, 1998
General Manager David Berger reported on this item. The committee reviewed the charge to the MPWMD Administrative Committee adopted on March 10, 1998 which to date has not been formally changed. The committee was asked if the charge should be modified to include all contracts and agreements to be entered into by the District. If the committee wishes to expand its scope, the modified charge would be presented to the full Board for adoption. After discussion, Director Lehman suggested that since the District is engaging into more joint, cooperative agreements, all agreements should be brought to the Administrative committee or an ad-hoc committee of the Board to allow for review and discussion. After further discussion, the committee agreed this topic should be discussed by the full board at its May 3, 2005 Special Meeting/Budget Workshop that includes an item to Clarify Authority of Chairperson, Officers and Board Committees.
Approve Amendment to PM Connect Contract to Expand
Scope of Work for Water Demand Division Database Project Outline to Include
Modules for the Use of Recycled Water Entitlements, Time Tracking and Water
Credit Transfer Process
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager and Inder Osahan, Chief Technology Officer, reported on this item. After discussion, the committee recommended approval by a 3 to 0 vote.
Consider Approval of 2005 Annual Memorandum of
Agreement for Releases and Diversions from San Clemente Reservoir
David Dettman, Sr. Fisheries Biologist, reported on this item and answered questions raised by the committee. Director Markey requested staff consider that future MOA’s developed on this matter contain language establishing a time frame as to when the District would be notified of the need to operate the MPWMD Scarlett No. 8 Well. During the discussion, the staff corrected item 11 on the MOA to reflect 520 feet rather than 514 feet. The committee recommended approval by a 3 to 0 vote.
Adopt Treasurer’s Report for the Month of February 2005
Rick Dickhaut, Chief Financial Officer/Administrative Services Manager, reported on this item. After some discussion, the committee recommended approval by a 3 to 0 vote.
Other Business
Review Draft May 16, 2005 Board Meeting Agenda
Director Lehman requested that the MPWMD Sand City Desalination Water Supply Project be added to a future Board meeting so that a detailed discussion could occur regarding all the proposed Water Supply Project Alternatives. After further discussion, General Manager Berger reported that the Chair and Vice Chair requested that the title to Action Item 14 be modified to read: Discussion and Direction on Regional Urban Water Supply Project Governance Alternatives and District’s Proposed District “Water Summit” Meeting.
Review Draft May 26, 2005 Special Meeting/Board
No changes were made to the Draft May 26, 2005 agenda.
Comments/Future Items
No items were
The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 AM.