3.3.2    Expand Water Reclamation Efforts


The Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) has been pursuing several recycled water projects, which are briefly described below.  The largest of these, the Monterey County Water Recycling Projects, was completed and put into service in 1998.  The other projects are in various stages of planning, and should be ready to move forward into design and construction in the near future.  These projects will be included as part of the IRWMP to be developed under this application, thereby helping to expand the amount of reclamation throughout the planning area.  The use of recycled water will reduce the demand on potable water supplies, and will be an integral part of the overall water management planning effort.


Monterey County Water Recycling Projects


The Monterey County Water Recycling Projects (MCWRP) is comprised of two components – the treatment component and the distribution component.  The treatment component is the Salinas Valley Reclamation Project (SVRP), and the distribution component is the Castroville Seawater Intrusion Project (CSIP).  The MCWRP was completed and placed into service in 1997.  The MCWRP is designed to recycle over 32,000 acre-feet-per-year, when influent flows to the SVRP reach that level.  At current flows and demands the MCWRP is supplying over 13,000 AFY to irrigate 12,000 acres of food crops being grown in the Castroville region of the lower Salinas Valley.


The SVRP provides the following treatment processes:


·          Pumping of effluent from the existing secondary level treatment plant to the new reclamation plant

·          Rapid mixing of coagulant and flocculent chemicals

·          Flocculation

·          Dual media gravity filtration

·          Disinfection using gaseous chlorine

·          Diurnal flow equalization storage


The CSIP is comprised of:


·          46 miles of reclaimed water transmission and distribution pipeline ranging in diameter from 8 inches to 51 inches

·          22 supplemental groundwater wells (to augment reclaimed water flows at times of peak demand)

·          111 flow-metered turnouts for connection of irrigation piping by growers

·          Pressure, conductivity, and flow monitoring stations

·          A centralized control system

·          3 booster pumping stations

            ·          Cathodic protection for ferrous metal piping


Regional Urban Recycled Water Project


The Regional Urban Recycled Water Project (RURWP) will provide irrigation water to numerous golf courses, parks, and landscaped areas in the Marina, Fort Ord, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, and Monterey areas.  The proposed project would be constructed in two Phases, with Phase I delivering approximately 1,700 acre-feet-per-year, and Phase II delivering a combined total of approximately 3,100 acre-feet-per-year.  It is estimated that Phase I could be complete in 2008, and Phase II in 2010.  The RURWP facilities will include a pipeline distribution system, pump stations, and storage tanks and reservoirs.  A more complete description of this project is provided in Section 5.2.X.


This project is in the late planning stage.  A project report (“Regional Urban Recycled Water Distribution Project”, dated July 2003 prepared by RBF Consulting for MRWPCA and the Marina Coast Water District) has been completed.  It analyzed various alternative project sizes and configurations and identified the recommended project.  A program level EIR that covers this project has been completed (“Final Environmental Impact Report for the Marina Coast Water District Regional Urban Water Augmentation Project”, dated September 2004 prepared by Denise Duffy and Associates in association with RBF Consulting), and this has been certified by the Marina Coast Water District Board of Directors.  Thus, following completion of institutional and financing arrangements, the project will be ready to move forward into the design stage.


Seaside Basin Groundwater Replenishment Project


The proposed Seaside Basin Groundwater Replenishment Project (GRP) involves the purification and conveyance of recycled water from MRWPCA’s Salinas Valley Reclamation Plant (SVRP) for recharge of the Seaside basin.  Recycled water has been produced by the SVRP since 1998.  That water has been delivered to 12,000 acres of farmland in the Castroville region of the lower Salinas Valley, where numerous non-processed food crops such as lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, artichokes, and strawberries are grown.  This same reclamation plant could produce additional water, which would be treated to drinking water quality and either percolated or injected into the Seaside groundwater basin to help recharge that basin.


The product water would meet all drinking water standards prior to groundwater recharge.  State guidelines for groundwater recharge of purified recycled water require that the water be blended with water from non-wastewater sources.  The blend water could come from the Seaside basin or Carmel River water that would be injected into the Seaside basin for recharge purposes by the MPWMD.  This would increase the amount of water available from this basin for pumping by existing or new domestic wells.


The Seaside Basin Groundwater Replenishment Project would work in parallel with the ASR project being pursued by the MPWMD on this same basin.  The Seaside basin is a major element of the water supply for the Monterey Peninsula cities.   This project, along with the ASR project, would augment that water supply and also help mitigate seawater intrusion which is working its way into that basin.  A more complete description of this project is provided in Section 5.2.Y.


This project is in the early planning stage.  An initial feasibility study has been completed (“Feasibility of Using Recycled Water to Recharge the Seaside Groundwater Basin in Monterey County”, dated September, 2004 prepared by William R. Mills, PE, RG, DDE). Follow-on work is in progress involving coordination with other agencies, analyzing available hydrogeologic data for the proposed recharge sites, identification of environmental, permitting, and approval issues, development of criteria and parameters for a pilot-scale recharge facility, and preparation of a design report.



New Section 5.2.X


5.2.X   Regional Urban Recycled Water Project


The Regional Urban Recycled Water Project (RURWP) will provide irrigation water to numerous golf courses, parks, and landscaped areas in the Marina, Fort Ord, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, and Monterey areas.  The proposed project would be constructed in two Phases, with Phase I delivering approximately 1,700 acre-feet-per-year, and Phase II delivering a combined total of approximately 3,100 acre-feet-per-year.  The estimated cost to construct Phase I is $19.0 million. The estimated cost to construct Phase II ranges between $10.2 million and $12.3 million, depending on whether ASR or surface storage is used.  It is estimated that Phase I could be complete in 2008, and Phase II in 2010.  There are sufficient recycled water entitlements to MRWPCA already in place to meet the Phase I and Phase II projected demands, plus an additional amount for other future projects.


The RURWP  facilities will include a pipeline distribution system, pump stations, and storage tanks and reservoirs. 


The distribution system will deliver recycled water though a trunk line and a series of laterals to each of the reuse sites. These facilities were sized based on a conservation irrigation demand scenario.  This was developed by taking into account adjustments to existing application and water management efficiencies that could reasonably be achieved by using improved management and water conservation practices. Pipeline alignments were selected to maximize the use of existing public rights-of-way for pipeline construction and maintenance activities, minimize the need to acquire new rights-of-way in order to cross private and CSUMB lands, comply with State requirements for separation between potable water pipelines and recycled water pipelines, and to be consistent with roadway and utility system development plans throughout the former Fort Ord. 


There will be two pump stations to provide adequate operating pressure throughout the distribution system.  One will be located at the SVRP and one at an appropriate location within the distribution system.


Operational storage will be provided by an earthen reservoir at the Salinas Valley Reclamation Plant (SVRP) and a conventional above-ground storage tank located within the service area. These will enable peak irrigation demands to be met with less peak pumping capacity than would be the case without such storage. Seasonal storage refers to the storage of recycled water produced during the low-demand winter months, so additional water can be made available during the high-demand summer months. No seasonal storage will be needed to serve the Phase I demands.  However, seasonal storage will be a necessary component of the Phase II project.   Options available for seasonal storage were identified as Aquifer Storage and Recovery and a surface storage reservoir at Armstrong Ranch.


The recycled water project will be constructed in at least two phases, so that water demands will match the available supply, and also to keep the costs of recycled water in a competitive range compared with other water supplies.  Phase I is projected to be complete in 2008, and would provide service to the largest existing customers, as well as other developments that are expected to be complete by 2007.  Phase II could be complete by 2010.  However, the Phase II construction schedule would be tied to the readiness of the Phase II users


It is estimated that the unit cost of recycled water can be reduced by approximately $30/AF for every million dollars of capital cost reduction achieved from capital cost contributions. Therefore, funding assistance from grants or other sources will greatly enhance the viability of this project by helping to keep recycled water costs competitive with potable water costs. Other sources of capital contributions could include developer contributions, connection fees, and development fees collected on the former Fort Ord by the Fort Ord Reuse Authority.  A construction loan from the State Revolving Fund will likely also be sought for the remaining capital costs.


New Section 5.2.Y


5.2.Y    Seaside Basin Groundwater Replenishment Project


The proposed Groundwater Replenishment Project (GRP) for the Seaside groundwater basin involves the purification and conveyance of recycled water from MRWPCA’s Salinas Valley Reclamation Plant (SVRP) for recharge of the Seaside basin.  The product water would meet all drinking water standards prior to groundwater recharge.  State guidelines for groundwater recharge of purified recycled water require that the water be blended with water from non-wastewater sources.  The blend water could come from the Seaside basin or Carmel River water that would be injected into the Seaside basin for recharge purposes by the MPWMD.  This would increase the amount of water available from this basin for pumping by existing or new domestic wells.   


During the summertime, the SVRP produces tertiary treated water from the effluent of the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.  This recycled water meets all State and Federal standards for irrigating golf courses, parks, schools, and agricultural crops, including non-processed food crops which may be eaten raw.  Currently, only agricultural applications are made, as a conveyance and distribution system for urban uses does not exist.  However, construction of an urban water supply system, the Regional Urban Recycled Water Project, to provide irrigation water for the southern Monterey Bay area has been in the planning stages for many years.   A water demand analysis shows that even with the development of the urban project, the combined agricultural and urban demands for irrigation water in the wintertime would be minimal.  Thus, the SVRP would not be operated in the wintertime unless a project is constructed to utilize the wintertime volumes.  It is estimated that after the construction of the proposed urban system, about 4,000 acre feet of SVRP water could still be produced in excess of the existing agricultural and potential urban demands.  This quantity could be available for purification and groundwater recharge. 


Recycled water from the SVRP would be purified by an advanced wastewater treatment plant (AWT).  The AWT would most likely be constructed adjacent to the SVRP, although alternate locations will be considered during preliminary design.  The AWT would process water to meet all State and Federal drinking water standards and the California Department of Health Services (DHS) requirements for groundwater recharge.   The treatment processes would most likely include reverse osmosis (RO) for the removal of dissolved salts, microorganisms, and other constituents.  An ultraviolet disinfection system would be provided to meet bacterial requirements and for destruction of organic compounds.  The ultraviolet system might be coupled with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, if necessary to improve its effectiveness. 

The SVRP should provide adequate pretreatment for the RO process.  However, it may be desirable to include pretreatment with microfiltration to reduce biofouling of the RO membranes. 


The purified water would be recharged either through surface recharge basins or by injection wells.  In either case, the recharge facilities would be constructed on the former Fort Ord, east of General Jim Moore Boulevard.  The selected recharge method would depend on the findings of surface recharge pilot testing.  The two groundwater recharge concepts are: 


Direct Injection into the Aquifers:   MPWMD’s pilot demonstration project has shown that direct injection of potable water into the Santa Margarita aquifer is feasible. This aquifer is the primary groundwater supply in the Seaside basin. The pilot project is part of a proposed project, known as the Seaside Basin Storage and Recovery Project, which proposes to inject surplus Carmel River water into the aquifer with subsequent extraction by dual purpose wells.  Purified recycled water could also be injected into the Santa Margarita aquifer.  However, the underground retention period required by DHS dictates that the extracted water could not be withdrawn for a period of 12 months and must not be extracted within 2,000 feet from the point of injection.  Thus, the groundwater replenishment injection well locations would need to be sited to ensure compliance with the DHS guidelines. 


Surface Recharge using Recharge Basins:  The U.S. Geological Survey has previously investigated the feasibility of surface recharge in the Seaside basin.  While their investigation was not exhaustive, the study indicated that surface recharge was possible and concluded that most of the natural recharge to the basin was from surface recharge of rain water.  The investigation estimated that 75% of the recharge to the basin occurs from rainfall.


The former Fort Ord area east of General Jim Moore Boulevard appears to be well suited for surface recharge.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture soil survey for Monterey County describes the soils in this area, which consist of stabilized sand dunes, as exhibiting infiltration rates from 6 to 20 inches/hour.  Further, there exist a number of surface depressions on this former Fort Ord site that could be used as recharge basins. 


Recharge water would travel downward through the Aromas Sand into the Paso Robles Formation and then probably into the Santa Margarita.  (The percolation pathways into this confined Santa Margarita aquifer are not currently well defined.) The percolation of the AWT water through the Aromas Sands would further purify the percolating waters.


While the upper layers of soil are conducive to surface recharge, subsurface clay lenses within the underlying aquifers could serve to possibly inhibit or retard the downward percolation of water.  Therefore, if this recharge method is selected for further consideration it would be necessary to perform a pilot recharge test to determine the degree of retardation provided by these restricting layers.

The purified water would be transported to the groundwater recharge or injection site via a pipeline during the winter period when agricultural and urban irrigation demands are minimal.  The RO process usually rejects about 10% of the influent as a brine stream.  The brine stream would most likely be discharged into the brine disposal facility at MRWPCA’s Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, although alternate disposal methods will be considered during preliminary design. 








